Chapter 29

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Baseball Chapter ( i had to rewatch the episode and it has to be one of my top 20 favorite episodes)

The sun shone brightly over the sprawling field, where an unexpected event was about to take place. Universe 6 and Universe 7 were locked in a friendly yet competitive showdown of baseball. Goku's infectious enthusiasm had transformed the game into a spectacle, much to the bemusement of the gods and the delight of the players.

"Alright, guys! Let's show Universe 6 how we play baseball on Earth!" Goku's voice boomed, rallying his teammates.

On the other side of the field, Champa looked rather uninterested. "Let's get this over with," he grumbled, seemingly already resigned to the impending chaos.

Vegeta, sporting a baseball cap instead of his usual Saiyan armor, stood at first base, his arms crossed. "This is ridiculous," he muttered to himself, though a small smirk betrayed his amusement.

Goku had taken his position on the pitcher's mound, a determined smile on his face. He adjusted his grip on the baseball, his eyes locked onto Champa, the God of Destruction from Universe 6, who stood poised at the batter's box.

On the sidelines, your presence radiating a sense of calm support, watched the game unfold. Seated among the other spectators, your heart swelled with pride as you cheered for Goku, your mate and partner. His unwavering dedication and enthusiasm always managed to inspire you.

"Go, Goku! You've got this!" you called out, your voice filled with genuine encouragement.

Goku's head turned in your direction, a bright grin lighting up his face. He nodded his head in acknowledgment, a silent thank-you for your support

Champa's confident grin remained in place. "Come on, Goku, let's see if you can impress me!"

Goku's grin only widened. He focused his energy, tapping into his Super Saiyan form. His aura flared to life, the air around him crackling with power. With a swift motion, he released the ball with precision and force.

The ball streaked through the air, a white blur against the backdrop of the sky. It was a pitch with intent, hurtling toward Champa with incredible speed.

Champa's eyes tracked the ball's trajectory, his confidence unwavering. He swung the bat with conviction, but to his shock, the ball zipped past him. He missed by a wide margin, and for a split second, his usually boisterous demeanor faltered.

"Strike one!" the Whis announced, and a ripple of excitement passed through the crowd.

On the sidelines, Beerus observed with a mixture of amusement and competitiveness. He leaned towards Goku, his tone low but challenging. "Give it your all, Goku. Show Champa what you're made of."

Goku blinked, surprised by Beerus' words. A mixture of determination and understanding sparked in his eyes. He nodded, his energy intensifying as he prepared for the next pitch.

Champa's competitive spirit reignited as he squared off against Goku once more. "I won't miss the next one, Goku!"

Goku wound up, his energy blazing as he tapped into his Super Saiyan Blue form. With a powerful thrust, he released the ball, sending it hurtling toward Champa with astounding speed and precision.

Champa's eyes widened as he recognized the threat of the pitch. He swung the bat with all his might, connecting with the ball this time. The impact resonated across the field, the sound echoing through the air.

The ball shot off the bat, a streak of energy that tore through the outfield with remarkable velocity. The Universe 7 players scrambled, their eyes fixed on the soaring ball, as they prepared to catch it.

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