Chapter 41 *Bonus Chapter*

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(I found this image in pinterest and its so aghghghhgg yk so I wanted to share in case you haven't seen it)

Gia had always been a lively and outgoing girl, and as she grew older, it was only natural that she would start making friends outside of the family. But when she announced that she wanted to bring a friend from school home, you could sense a mix of excitement and nervousness in her voice.

As the day of the visit approached, you couldn't help but feel thrilled that your daughter had reached this milestone in her life. It was a sign that she was growing up, making connections, and becoming her own person. Of course, you knew that the day would come when she'd have friends over, but it still caught you a bit off guard.

Goku, on the other hand, was less enthusiastic about the idea. He wasn't against Gia having friends, but he was rather protective of his little girl. You could see the worry in his eyes as he fidgeted with his gi, a clear sign that he was trying to contain his unease.

Vegeta, as the ever-vigilant uncle, had taken it upon himself to discreetly investigate this "friend" of Gia's. He'd been quietly observing the boy from a distance, occasionally grumbling about how he'd never trust anyone near his niece. But he, too, understood the importance of Gia's social life and decided to keep his overprotective tendencies in check.

The day finally arrived when Gia's friend, Aiden, was due to visit. You made sure everything was ready at home, from snacks to a clean living room. You wanted Aiden to feel welcome, and more importantly, you wanted Gia to know that you supported her budding friendships.

When the doorbell rang, Gia practically flew to answer it. She had been talking about Aiden for days, and it was evident that they'd become fast friends at school.

Aiden, a polite and well-mannered boy, greeted you with a shy smile. "Hi, Mrs. Y/N, thank you for having me over."

You returned the smile warmly. "It's our pleasure, Aiden. Please, come on in."

As you led Aiden into the living room, you could hear Goku and Vegeta exchanging hushed words in the background. They were clearly discussing the situation, and you knew that they were trying to put on their best protective father and uncle personas.

Gia had no such reservations. She was eager to show Aiden around the house and introduce him to her family. When she finally led him into the living room, her eyes lit up as she proudly gestured to her dad and her uncle.

"Aiden, this is my dad, Goku, and my uncle, Vegeta. Dad, Uncle, this is Aiden, my best friend."

Goku offered a somewhat forced smile, doing his best to appear friendly. "Hey there, Aiden. Nice to meet you."

Vegeta, however, was less subtle in his approach. "You better treat her with respect, kid," he said, his arms crossed and a stern look on his face. "Or you'll have me to answer to."

Aiden, though visibly nervous under Vegeta's intense gaze, managed to nod. "I promise, Mr. Vegeta, I'll be a good friend to Gia."

You couldn't help but chuckle inwardly at Vegeta's protectiveness. Despite his tough exterior, he had a soft spot for Gia and wanted nothing but the best for her.

Gia seemed unfazed by her uncle's warning and quickly changed the topic to something more light-hearted. She suggested that they all watch one of her favorite movies, an animated adventure that she and Aiden had bonded over at school.

As the movie played on the screen, you observed the group. Goku was trying his best to engage in small talk with Aiden, albeit somewhat awkwardly. Vegeta, still in his protective uncle mode, kept a close eye on the two kids, occasionally muttering something about "whippersnappers" under his breath.

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