Chapter 7

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(I will skip most of the fight scene btw)

On earth

Vegeta was pacing back and forth on the side of the ship. King Kai had just contacted him about Beerus coming to earth and not to toy with the destroyer god as he had beaten Goku in two blows.

"Kakarot was beaten in two blows... what kind of creature could do that" he clenched his fist in anger "damn it pull yourself together, Prince Vegeta does not tremble before any fool.." "Beerus the destroyer why is that name familiar, I've heard it before but where?!"

You, Whis, and Beerus had arrived on a cruise shift to see a man pacing back and forth. He couldn't sense your ki because Whis taught you how to make it disappear and Whis and Beerus's power level were unrecognizable for any normal mortal.

"Well if It isn't Prince Vegeta" Beerus said and you all watched as Vegeta whipped his head back and forth trying to find where the voice came from.

*why can't I sense anyone* the prince thought to himself

You and Whis watched as Beerus played with him a little making him think he was crazy for hearing a voice before you chimed in

"Dad that's not very nice to play games" Vegetas head whipped upwards where he saw you and Whis floating down to the deck. When his eyes met your face as a shock went through his mind like he had seen you before but he couldn't place it before he could say anything he whipped his head back the other way as Beerus started talking.

"Greetings" a smug smirk across Beerus's face

"Who are you !" Vegeta demanded

"Telling you that is a waste of time... considering that you won't be alive much longer" Beerus started talking as you sent him a glare for that comment

Vegeta noticed the glare but couldn't think about that because he won't let some buffon kill him, he rushed Beerus only to be paralyzed. As he lay there on the ground he finally remembered where he had heard that name before and how he had been in this exact situation before. The tall man was also there but you were he must have seen you somewhere else.

"You know I spared you as a child because I'd hope you'd grow up to entertain me oh well another saiyan disappointment"

"HEY! Better watch your words there" you glared at Beerus

He turned back to you and gave you a glare "you don't fall into the same category so calm down"

Vegeta stared at the two in shock *a female saiyan ?! How could there be another saiyan and a female at that ..... could it be * his thoughts were interrupted as Beerus approached him and knelt down in front of him

"So what can you tell me about a super saiyan god?"

"A Super saiyan god?" Vegeta repeated as he started back at Beerus shock not leaving his face

"Could you have gotten the premonition wrong my lord?" Whis asked

"I never get such things wrong!"  Beerus scowled at Whis

"Haha replace never will always my lord isn't that right y/n" Whis laughed as he spoke, and his comments also caused you to laugh which earned you both a glare that could kill from Beerus

But as Whis said your name everything clicked in Vegetas mind and Whis could tell by the look now forming on the prince's face. It was his baby sister, he couldn't believe she was right there in front of him. He went to planet Kernot after he arrived on earth when he took Bulma's spaceship for training. When he was in the middle of nowhere the thought of you crossed his mind so he searched the planet up and punched in the coordinates, when he got there the planet was deserted and not a soul in sight, he figured that he would never see you again and here you were standing in front of him and calling Beerus the destroyer dad.

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