Chapter 22

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(I know the picture is of fused Zamasu but I didn't do one for regular Zazy)

The morning came and no one found themselves sleeping in, nervousness and excitement filled everyone and they were awake by ten and at capsule corp to get the plan going.

Bulma was doing last-minute touches to the machine and was making sure the kids didn't try to push any buttons, and the rest of you were going over the plan.

The two saiyan men were amped up ready to fight while you and Trunks were more on the nervous side, you had only gotten a glimpse of Black and to say the least, you were a bit intimidated. The over-cockiness in the way he spoke made you think there was something he wasn't saying. 

You were pulled out of your thoughts when Bulma and the boys came running up to you guys with big smiles on their faces.

"It's all done!" Bulma exclaimed excitement mixed with being proud of herself evident in the tone she spoke in. 

"You really are brilliant Mother" Trunks said pulling his mom in for a hug 

"You know it" She squeezed him back 

The four of you got into the time machine, it was a little cramped as it was originally only supposed to fit one person, but Bulma worked some of her tech-savvy skills and made it a bit more spacious but still wasn't the most comfortable thing.  

You, Trunks, and Goku waved at the others as the time machine powered up, it lifted into the sky, and in a few seconds, the time machine blinked into a grey gloomy world, that had buildings blown up, fires in the distance running wild, and no sign of life.

The time machine landed and the top opened allowing you to jump down to the ground followed by the others. 

"Holy crap this place looks like shit" you accidentally let out as you looked around

"Yeah I've been doing my best to fight them but they keep getting stronger"  

"Well now that we are here, it shouldn't be a problem" Vegeta scuffed looking around "Where are they anyway?"

"They could be anywhere, but we should find our base camp before we fight, I want to make sure everyone is alright, so we should head that way" Trunks responded pointing in the west direction "Our base wasn't that far from Capsule Corp, probably a 15-minute walk" 

"This is Capsule Corp?" Goku asked looking at the indistinguishable pile of rumble, Vegeta looked over with a frown forming on his face

"Yeah, looks like they hit it again when I left, half the building was here when I used the time machine" Trunks frowned too 

"We better get going, it's not good to stay out in the open" You brought them out of their thoughts and started walking in the direction that Trunks had pointed. 

Goku jogged up next to you smiling as he fell in line with your steps, you smiled at him and started looking around at everything, Vegeta and Trunks were about 5-10 feet behind you guys as you made your way through the streets filled with rumble.

The roar of a distant explosive was heard and you were pulled against the side of one of half broken building 

"Lower your ki" Goku mumbled against your ear 

a few moments passed and a voice was heard echoing through the city 

"I FEEL YOU BOY! YOU CAN'T HIDE FOREVER" an angry female voice yelled with fury as a big ki was felt soaring past them at insane speeds

 Your head snapped over to Trunks with a look asking him if it was you. Vegeta and Goku's attention turned to him as well in curiosity and he nodded confirming your thoughts. A wave of anger started to burn within you that some version of you would do something as terrible as this. 

Lost and Found (Goku x Female Reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang