Chapter 20

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(Not how black looks just wanted to include)

Bulma walked around the gazebo yelling at the device she had in her hand, she was yelling for about five minutes before Whis had answered

"Oh hello Miss Bulma is everything alright?" Whis asked through the communicator

"No not at all I NEED TO TALK TO VEGETA NOW!!" She yelled so loud she basically went through the screen, everyone jumped a little in fear

"Bumla whats going on?" Vegeta asked from a distance through the communicator

"Trunks has returned," Bulma said into her communicator turning it, shifting the view from her to the unconscious blue-haired boy.

Both you and Trunks shared a look of confusion as you listened, you were both utterly confused as you had never heard of another Trunks, Goku had mentioned a friend that came from the future to warn them about cell but you never got a name.

"What?!" Vegeta yelled coming into view on the communicator

"He just showed up but he looks pretty beaten up, I think he might need our help again" Bulma responded urgency not leaving her voice

"Well be right there Bulma, if you're with y/n tell her to raise her energy as high as it can go I can lock onto it," Goku said from Whis's side of the communicator

"Did you hear that ?" she looked over at you

You nodded, stepped outside the gazebo, took your stance, and raised your energy, and not even 10 seconds later, Goku, Vegeta, Whis, and Beerus were beside you.

"How is he" Vegeta stepped forward to look at his son

"He's doing alright Goku could you go get a sense bean from Korin?" Bulma answered Goku vanished and reappear in moments giving Bulma the sensu, they started talking about what happened and you turned your attention to your father's hearing their conversation.

"Whis are you seeing what I am seeing, " Beerus asked looking from the unconscious boy to the younger boy sitting beside him.

"Yes I am My lord" Whis replied with a stern-looking face

"That boy looks identical to that boy" Beerus pointed between the two

You had only seen them that serious when there was an issue at hand but before you could ask why your attention was pulled away when the other trunks started to wake up.

Everyone watched as he blinked his eyes a few times before opening them fully, he looked at his mother before embracing her in a tight hug.

"Mother" He let out a breath of relief as the realization hit him that he actually made it

He let go and admired his mother for a moment before letting his eyes float around the gazebo, taking in the familiar face before landing on Goku's.

"YOU!!" he yelled gaining everyone's attention and charged at Goku

"What is the matter trunks?" he asked  with a serious face stopping his fist with his hand

"I'll kill you for what you've done!" Future trunks screamed growing in anger, before he could do anything Bulma slapped him hard

"What are you doing that's Goku!"

Trunks blinked a few times before pulling himself together and taking a look at Goku

"You're alive! I thought you died to Cell?" he got up and hugged Goku

"Yeah I did but a lot of things have happened since then it's a long story but I got my life back" Goku replied patting trunks on the back

Lost and Found (Goku x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now