Chapter 40 *Halloween Bonus Chapter *

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The Halloween season had arrived, and everyone was abuzz with excitement. Bulma, known for her love of throwing extravagant parties, had decided to host a Halloween bash that promised to be a night of laughter and unforgettable memories.

As the day of the party dawned, you, Goku, Gia, and Kian found yourselves in the living room of Capsule Corp surrounded by a chaos of costumes. Bulma, in her element as she prepared for the party, had designated a section of the room for costume selection.

Gia giggled as she held up a witch's hat, trying to decide if it was the right accessory for her costume. "I can't believe we're doing this, Mom."

You laughed, adjusting your own costume. "It's all in good fun, Gia. Besides, who doesn't love a good Halloween party?"

Kian, dressed in a pirate costume, twirled a plastic sword dramatically. "Arr, I'm ready to pillage and plunder!"

Goku, in his customary orange gi, was trying to decide between a sheet with eye holes and a Superman costume. "What do you think, guys? Ghost Goku or Super Goku?"

Gia and Kian exchanged amused glances. "Super Goku, Dad. Definitely Super Goku," Gia chimed in.

Just then, Vegeta walked into the room, eyeing the costumes with a raised eyebrow. "This is foolish."

You smirked at your brother. "Come on, Vegeta, where's your Halloween spirit?"

He crossed his arms, clearly unimpressed. "I am the Prince of all Saiyans, not some child who dresses up in costumes."

But even Vegeta couldn't resist the infectious enthusiasm of the occasion, and soon enough, he begrudgingly joined the costume preparations. He emerged from the chaos dressed as Count Dracula, complete with a cape and fake vampire teeth.

As the sun set and the evening darkened, Capsule Corp's grand hall transformed into a Halloween wonderland. Spiderwebs adorned the walls, jack-o'-lanterns flickered with eerie light, and fake cobwebs hung from every corner. A spooky playlist played softly in the background, setting the mood.

The party was in full swing, and everyone had a blast. Goten, dressed as a mummy, attempted to sneak up on Videl, who was dressed as a ghost, and they both ended up in a fit of giggles. Trunks, your mischievous nephew, pranked Vegeta by dropping rubber worms on his shoulder, causing him to momentarily lose his composure.

Gia, in her witch costume, had a cauldron filled with a mysterious "witch's brew" that turned out to be a delicious punch. Kian, as the pirate, regaled partygoers with tall tales of buried treasure, his animated storytelling drawing a captivated crowd.

Bulma, in a stunning black cat costume, greeted guests with her usual flair. Her feline ears twitched playfully, and her eyes sparkled with mischief.

Even Vegeta, Count Dracula himself, couldn't help but get into the spirit of the night. He reluctantly joined the costume contest, parading his vampire attire with a dash of theatricality.

The costume contest was the highlight of the Halloween party, and everyone gathered in Bulma's spacious living room to watch and participate. Bulma, ever the organizer, stood at the center as the makeshift judge, microphone in hand.

The first participants to strut their stuff were Goten and Videl, who had chosen to go as classic Halloween monsters. Goten was wrapped in bandages as a mummy, while Videl, covered in a flowing white sheet, was the friendly ghost. They hammed it up with spooky poses and ghostly noises, earning a round of applause and laughter.

Next up was Vegeta, who had gone all out as Count Dracula. With a black cape, fangs, and a dramatic Transylvanian accent, he managed to both terrify and amuse the crowd. His performance was met with a mix of cheers and chuckles.

Lost and Found (Goku x Female Reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon