Chapter 34

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Two months had passed since the intense encounter with the wind-controlling foe. The memory of their presence lingered, casting a shadow of uncertainty over your group. Life had returned to a semblance of normalcy, with training sessions, family gatherings, and shared laughter filling the days. Yet, the unspoken fear of the looming threat remained.

Today was a special day – a day of relaxing and quality time, just for you and Goku. With the twins in the care of their Uncle Vegeta, Goten off on his own adventure with Trunks, the house was unusually quiet and serene.

You stood outside by the house, a serene smile gracing your lips as you admired the breathtaking view before you. Goku approached from behind, his steps silent as he wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you close.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" he murmured, his warm breath tickling your ear.

You leaned back against him, the comforting embrace filling you with a sense of peace. "It truly is. This day feels like a gift, Goku."

He pressed a gentle kiss to your temple. "It's our day, Y/n. No kids, no battles, just us."

As you turned to face him, his eyes met yours, a world of emotion swirling within them. Without a word, he lowered his lips to yours, a sweet and tender kiss that spoke volumes of the love between you. The connection was gentle yet intense, a reminder of the depth of your bond.

When the kiss broke, Goku's thumb brushed against your cheek, his voice filled with warmth. "I've missed moments like these."

You chuckled softly, intertwining your fingers with his. "Me too. It's been a while since we've had the house all to ourselves."

Goku's playful grin made your heart flutter. "Well, let's make the most of it."

He led you back inside, the familiar warmth of your home enveloping you. Soft sunlight filtered through the windows, casting a warm glow over the living room. A cozy fire crackled in the fireplace, its gentle crackling adding to the ambiance.

As you settled onto the couch together, Goku's arm draped around your shoulders, a sense of contentment settled over you. The twins' laughter and cries were notably absent, and the quietude allowed for a rare intimacy.

Goku's fingers absentmindedly traced patterns on your arm as he spoke. "I was thinking we could do whatever you want today."

You leaned your head against his shoulder, a smile tugging at your lips. "Hmm, whatever I want? That sounds tempting."

Goku's thumb traced gentle circles on the back of your hand, his voice a soothing melody. "To have you in my life, to share all these moments with you. It's like my heart's always soaring."

A soft blush colored your cheeks, his words stirring emotions that were both comforting and exhilarating. "You have a way with words, Goku."

His grin was infectious, his joy radiating through his very being. "I mean it, Y/n. Ever since you came into my life, everything's been brighter, warmer."

You leaned in, resting your head against his shoulder, your fingers interlacing with his. "You've brought so much happiness into my life too. There's a sense of completeness I've never felt before that i was always yearning for."

Goku's touch was gentle as he tilted your chin up, his gaze locking onto yours. "You're my home, Y/n. No matter where we are, as long as I'm with you, I'm where I belong."

Later in the day, as the sun dipped lower on the horizon, Goku suggested a leisurely hike through the mountains that surrounded your home. As you walked hand in hand, enjoying the tranquility of the outdoors, Goku's natural exuberance was on full display.

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