Chapter 23

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Bulma was talking to Whis and Beerus about what they had found out about the time ring when the Time Machine landed in the backyard. They jumped up ready for anything and as soon as the glass opened Goku jumped out carrying an unconscious you in his arms heading towards Capsule Corp not even throwing a glance in the other direction.

"Goku! What happened?!!" Bulma asked running with him as he had no plan to stop until you were in the medical bay.

"She tried to fight Zamasu by herself and he messed her up pretty bad" Trunks answered as he and Vegeta ran behind the two.

They got to the medical bay and Goku put you down on one of the beds and took a step back to let Bulma work. He watched you intently never taking his eyes off you, he saw that you were fighting Zamasu but he didn't think anything would happen at first.

You had held your own for five to eight minutes before as Zamasu put it "it's time to stop entertaining you" and wiped the floor with you. Goku was there to stop the final blow from landing but what if I didn't, the thought made him scared to think of, and now watching you he was almost scared to take his eyes off you.

"Let Whis through" Beerus's voice was heard from the door, and the group was joined by Beerus and Whis.

Everyone moved aside and Whis made his way to the bed, a sour face made its way to his face and he lifted up his staff and held it over you.  A minute or two passed and Whis lowered his staff and turned to the anxious faces behind him.

"She'll be fine, she needs rest to regain her energy but everything is okay" Whis felt someone's eyes burning into the side of his head and he turned to face the culprit "Do you want to step outside Vegeta?" He asked politely

Vegeta let out a "hmph" and followed Whis who headed for the door. Bulma sent Vegeta a concerned look to which he gave her one telling her to wait. Vegeta closed the door as they stepped outside into the hallway.

"you say everything is fine but is everything fine?" Vegeta asked his voice laced with worry and uncertainty

"I wouldn't lie, I think you forget that I do consider her my daughter" Whis gave him a teasing smile

"I didn't forget but she was pregnant, is she still?"

"Yes the little one is also fine but I didn't want to broadcast that to the whole room, she hadn't told me yet so it wasn't my business," Whis told him 

"She didn't even know yet, I told her because her energy felt off like Bulmas did and I knew she shouldn't have gone" he looked down angry that he let his sister and unborn child get hurt

"She is a stubborn one, I think she knew, I just think she was frightened by it, but everything will be okay" Whis put a hand on Vegeta's shoulder before opening the door and calling to Beerus

"Come on My Lord we have a trip to make"

Vegeta's and Goku's heads snapped to Whis

"Where are you going?" They asked at the same time

"We have a Kai to visit in the 10th universe, we won't be long" he sent a small smile to the two and Beerus grabbed onto Whis and they disappeared.

Vegeta and Goku shared a confused look and Vegeta walked back into the room taking a spare chair next to the bed.

"What were you talking to Whis about ?" Goku asked looking at Vegeta

"Yeah, Vegeta what's going on" Bulma seconded from the chair on the other side of the bed.

"Look, I can't tell you, you will have to ask y/n when she wakes up" Vegeta looked at you breaking the intense stares coming his way

"You shouldn't keep secrets if it's about her Vegeta, you know I love her" Goku spoke up not liking not knowing what was going on

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