Chapter 6"Dripping In Gold"

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Tommy was out on his morning run, as usual, the warm summer breeze was blowing his long brown hair around but he didn't feel at ease he felt nervous he felt like he was being watched after a while he stopped to catch his breath for a minute suddenly the enemy grunt soldiers of Diabolico appeared in front of him and he grunted"I am starting to hate these things"He started to fight the enemy grunts but a few of them knocked him down and he groans in pain suddenly Vypra appears in front of him and he was struggling to get out of their grips"It's you!!"He was angry that he was easily taken down and he began pulling out of their grip with lots of force Vypra stopped him with a freezing force"Oh gold ranger it's such a shame that you won't be able to help your fellow ranger friends you know why?"He couldn't move but he was getting really angry and once he was out of the freezing spell then he could probably beat the crap out of Vypra but she goes up to him and she places another type of spell on him and it was controlling his mind he was unfrozen but he just bows to her"Because you'll be working for me and you will destroy the rangers"Tommy looked up at her and laughed"Yes my mistress" Vypra takes him to the fortress and brings him to Diabolico"my king we have a ranger under our control"Diabolico laughs and he looks at Tommy with a weak grin on his face"The gold ranger huh? That was an amazing find Vypra" She laughs and nods at his response. Lyra goes up to each of the rangers and she asked the same question" Have you seen Tommy?"But they all said no and Lyra got worried about Tommy since he was practically her best friend she gets up and he gets in the rescue jeep and begins to drive throughout Mariner Bay looking for Tommy in hopes of finding him after a while she was starting to lose hope but Tommy in his full-on ranger mode appears in front of the jeeps way and she stops it and was excited that she found him but something was off about him she goes up to him and he acts so innocent trying to trick her into his trap"Tommy I can't believe I found you I need to take you back to the aqua base Captain Mitchell wants to see you"Tommy demorphs and he grins"Great take me to him"Tommy laughed evilly and he follows Lyra back into the rescue jeep and she sighs"Tommy are you okay you don't seem like yourself"Tommy looks at her with a nasty grin and looks away"Yeah I'm fine"Lyra was confused by his behavior but she didn't want to ask him on what he was feeling they got back to the aqua base and Kelsey comes up to them and smiles"Hey guys Tommy I'll bring you to Captain Mitchell he needs to see you"Tommy nods and he sees the cameras he looks at them with his eyes and lazered each of them and the systems of security cameras and just the regular cameras were down as soon as they got to the Captain's office and they walked in and the captain was really stressed he looks up at them and smiled"Tommy thank you coming Kelsey do you mind?"She shook her head and walks out of the room and waited outside for them"So captain why did you call me in here?"He said while his voice got dark and manipulative" Because I am going to make you the leader of the other lightspeed rescue rangers Like Adam, Andros, Ashley, Kat, Kendrix, and Lyra"He nods and laughs"Thank you for this opportunity Captain Mitchell it means a lot"He gets up and he walks out without saying another word to Captain Mitchell and Kelsey he was avoiding everyone at this point because they will suspect him so he is going to keep quiet after a while the rangers began suspecting Tommy since his behavior was so weird he has never acted like this before can the rangers figure out what is going with Tommy before the timer runs out? The alarm went off in the city and they eventually got morphed they rode in the rescue jeep and they saw the new monster and his enemy grunts the rangers got out and they began fighting them but after a while, it was just the monster left and he was able to knock down all the rangers except for Tommy he brings up his blaster but he hesitated and he turns around and aims it at the rangers"Tommy no not at us we are your friends" Kat said while trying to get up but the pain was too extreme Tommy began laughing and he put his fingers on the trigger"Friends I don't need friends"After a while he was switching between good and evil and eventually he overturned evil and he blasted the monster lots of times and he falls to the ground he helps all the rangers up and they all blasted the monster and he fell and exploded and the rangers all hugged Tommy and he hugged them back"Someone was controlling you?"He nodded and smiled at them"Yeah but that doesn't matter I'm back to my normal self" Tommy said while putting an arm around Ashley lovingly they all looked at them but didn't think anything of it they all got into the rescue jeeps and the night breeze blew and they all were freezing their light speed rescue jackets with their numbers and helmet shapes on them were keeping them warm a little bit but after a while, they got back to the aqua base and they were all exhausted so they all went to their separate rooms and they all fell asleep within minutes and they all were glad that they saved Tommy from Diabolico and Vypra's control  that was over him they were happy to have their gold ranger back..

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