Chapter 15"High Hopes"

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A little girl named Jennifer was playing with her friend out in the park and her mom was there watching them but Jennifer kicks the ball out of her mother's sight and Jennifer looks at her mother"Mommy can I go get it?"Her mom nods and she runs to go find the ball but suddenly something teleported in front of her Jennifer looks up and is shocked"Why hello little girl you're coming with me you could be of use to me"Jennifer began screaming but the monster grabbed her and he teleported away with her. back at the aqua base, Captain Mitchell called in the rangers to discuss what just happened"So we just got a report that a little girl disappeared this morning"The rangers all looked at each other and then back at Captain Mitchell"Did they get the identification of her??"Kelsey said while fidgeting with her fingers"Yes they did her name is Jennifer Lynn she is about 7 years old" Carter tensed up and his hands began to shake"I know that name..."He said while mumbling Chad placed his hand on his shoulder and his face showed pure worry" Carter are you okay?"Carter looks at the other rangers and sighs"I know who she is"The other rangers were shocked that he knew her and she probably meant something to him from the way he was acting"Who was she to you, Carter?"Lyra looked at him and her eyes were full of doubt and worry"I knew her mother Amanda Lynn and I went to high school with Jennifer's mom so basically Amanda is my close friend from high school"The rangers were in shock at his response"well we have to hurry up and find her" Adam said while crossing his arms"he's right rangers get suited up and go to the scene to look for Jennifer"The rangers grabbed their rescue jackets they were quickly trying to put them on while running through the halls of the aqua base they finally got to the rescue jeep and they all began the morphing sequence"Lightspeed! Rescue!"The rangers jumped into the rescue jeeps and began driving to the scene"Carter we will find her okay don't stress"Ryan said while patting his shoulder while he was driving Carter was breathing very aggressively and his helmet was making it hard to get the air out as soon as they got to the scene Amanda runs over to them in happiness" oh my god rangers thank you so much for coming can you help find my daughter?"Amanda said while crying and Jennifer's friend Grace was standing beside her upset Kat kneeled to the little girl and places a hand on her shoulder" Where was the last time you saw Jennifer?"Grace weakly points to the bushes and Kat and Lyra went over to the bushes Lyra picked up the purple bouncy ball that was Jennifer's and she walks out and gives it to her mom"We found this behind the bushes it's her bouncy purple ball" Amanda started freaking out that they weren't going to find her but Carter looked at her and smiled from under his helmet and he sighs"we will find her Ms.Lynn don't you worry"Amanda was happy to hear that and after a while, a scream could be heard from the town's plaza and that's when they knew that this was a trap Carter saw Jennifer unconscious in the monster's arms and he just smiled at the rangers"aww were you looking for her I guess I lead you right to her it was the perfect way to get you all here at once now I can destroy you"The monster places the girl down on the ground away from the scene and they began fighting Carter was so mad at the monster for stealing a little child" you will pay for this Battleborg!"Carter ran up to him and jumps off the ground and does a high kick and kicks him in his face the monster tumbled to the ground but he got up this battle was only beginning the other rangers joined him and after a while, they were degrading him of his power"okay guys its time to teach this guy a lesson!"Carter said while getting his rescue blaster out and everyone else followed his lead they aimed their blasters at him and eventually shot him numerous times he falls to the ground destroyed and he was no match for the rangers suddenly the girl woke up and Dana went over to her to check to see if she had any injuries"Hey are you okay?"Jennifer looked at Dana and nodded"Where's my mommy?"Dana looks at Carter and the morphed rangers took Jennifer back to Amanda she was thrilled she grabs her face and kisses it and hugs her tightly"Oh my god Jennifer you're alive!"She looks at the rangers with grace"Thank you so much rangers for finding my little girl" Carter smiles and he just nods"We were glad to help Ms.Lynn now take care"The rangers  ran back to the jeeps and they began driving back to the aqua base as soon as they got there they demorphed and Captain Mitchell came over to them and congratulated them on another success"Great job rangers you have yet another success you deserve to rest for the rest of the day"The rangers were pleased to hear that and they quickly ran passed him and went to their rooms to sleep since they had a long day and Lyra went into her room and Andromeda was asleep in her crib and she just smiled at the sight of her and she goes to her crib and kisses her head after a while she got really tired and she got into her bed and her eyes began to get heavy and she closed them and began to rest she was happy to save another life that day..

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