Chapter 13"Applause For Aqua"

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Cassie walks around the aqua base thinking about how she became a ranger so easily I mean it was her dream to be one ever since the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers were down saving the world at the time she smiles at the sight of her morpher on her wrist she goes and tries to find her friend Ashley after a while she finds her and she goes to her"Hey Ashley there is a singing contest here in Mariner Bay we should sign up"Ashley looked at her funny"I don't know I am so used to Lyra singing with me"Cassie looked at her with a sad look on her face"Oh I am sorry I don't want to take you away from your best friend.."Cassie was fixing to walk away but Ashley places her hand on her shoulder"Maybe all three of us can do a song together"Cassie smiles and nods"Yeah maybe"Ashley and Cassie went to find Lyra but she was nowhere to be found"Well I guess it's just you and me" Cassie said while they began walking to the jeep and they went to the plaza and signed themselves in but they already noticed that Lyra's name was already on it but all of a sudden Ashley and Cassie heard a scream and they ran to where the scream came from and a monster had Lyra in its arms and she was struggling Ashley jumps and flips in the air and she morph"Lightspeed! Rescue!"Ashley kicks the monster in the back and he falls"Ouch! That hurt!"He said with a whiny tone of voice"Well too bad you're handling my friend in the wrong way!"Ashley began blasting him with her rescue blaster" That's what you get!"Cassie just stood there and Ashley was getting mad at she wasn't helping Ashley managed to defeat the monster on her own she demorphs and she and Lyra walked away from Cassie angry at her"I can't believe she didn't help!!"Cassie looked at her with a sad expression on her face she just walked away with her head hanging low and her arms crossed across her chest Lyra and Ashley got back to the aqua base and Lyra went to find her baby Andromeda once she does she picks her up and notices a red spot on her arm and she gets confused"Something isn't right here" She goes to find Captain Mitchell to see if he can figure out on what is happening to her daughter and she will eventually have to tell Andros and the other rangers about it because if it has something to do with Diabolico then they can try and stop him from hurting Andromeda even more..

Sea To Shining Sea(Lightspeed Rescue)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum