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As the sun began its descent, casting a golden hue across the horizon, the evening unfolded with its serene beauty. The sky transformed into a tapestry of pastel shades with streaks of pink and orange blended seamlessly with wondrous hues of lilac and dusky blue. 

The fading sunlight bathed the two figures, sat side by side, their presence testament to the arduous journey they had traversed together. The weight of their history lingered in the air, words momentarily dulled by the silent acknowledgement of the trials and tribulations they had endured together. Yet amidst the fading light, a spark of hope glimmers. 

In the quiet moment, the muddling chaos brings about an impermissible sensation, giving way to an illuminated path to rebuilding a profound connection that had been previously fainted by the cruelties of the past.

"Why did you do it, Jake?" Lily asked, her voice a whisper as she gazed into the distance.

"I don't know, Lily. I was scared," Jake replied, his gaze briefly meeting hers before drifting away, "Scared that I wouldn't be good enough for you. The idea of committing to someone terrifies me. I didn't believe I could keep you happy for long. I didn't even know the depth of my emotions for you until you were no longer within my reach. It felt as though I had lost a part of me, Lily."

Lily's heart softened as she looked at his wearied form that was adorned with bruises, something gentle tugged at her heart.

"It was all new to me. I had never felt that way around someone before. It was overwhelming, far beyond what I could handle. I am not good at keeping promises, Lily. I don't trust myself when it comes to you. My greediness would eventually ease off, I would think. The more time I spent with you, the more I realized how deeply I cared. And I didn't want to take things to a point of no return, even if I wished to. What scared me was the vulnerability that comes with it. Opening up my heart, trusting someone completely... It feels like stepping off a cliff into the unknown. What if I get hurt? I would think. It was selfish of me, I admit. But now, I'm here to make things right, Lily."

Jake inched closer to Lily, their bodies gently brushing against each other as he tenderly grazed her hand with his own and with his tone laced with vulnerability and affection, he continued, "I love you, Lily. I kept on brushing off the sudden rush of emotions that overwhelmed me whenever I was around you as a fleeting infatuation. I pushed them aside, afraid of the vulnerability and intensity of what I was feeling. But denying them only caused more pain. The more I tried to suppress it, the stronger it became. It was then, that I understood what I felt for you was far from temporary. It was genuine and profound."

Jake's voice trembled as he reached out to cup Lily's cheek, his touch tender and filled with longing, "Lily, I've learned from my mistakes. I want to be there for you, to hold you, to cherish you. I want to be the one to make you happy. I want to be better for you. Please forgive me, Lily."

Tears welled up in Lily's eyes as she looked into Jake's. His eyes reflected a whirlwind of emotions— hurt, regret, sincerity and whatnot swirling in those eyes. In that moment, she recognized the weight of decisions that lay before her, one that would conform to her shared destiny with the person who was in front of her, searching for answers in her gaze. 

With hazy vision, blurred by the mist of misfortunes of the past, she nodded her head and placed her hands over his, holding it against her cheeks as she whispered, "I've missed you."

A mixture of relief and determination washed over Jake's face as he smiled, tears blurring his own vision as he gently brushed his thumb against her cheek, "I won't make empty promises, Lily. Because I believe actions speak louder than words. I won't run away this time. I'll be there for you until our last breaths, making you feel loved and cherished."

lights out, jake sim.Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя