Miracle at Rush Valley

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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters except for Aaliyah.

Bold- What happens in the episodes

"Episode Title"


Regular talking/actions

Episode 11: Miracle at Rush Valley

"Wake up." Mustang hissed. On the couch, Edward shifted, but didn't wake up, which just agitated Mustang even more. "Fullmetal, Hughes, wake the hell up." To emphasis his point, the man flicked Ed in the head and smacked the back of Hughes's head.

Groaning, Hughes opened his eyes to glare at his friend. "What did you go and do that for?"

Mustang ignored him for a moment so he could flick Ed in the head again. "I'm ordering you to wake up, Fullmetal."

"Maybe if you stopped flicking me." Ed grumbled groggily. His eyes opened a bit to glare at the man. "What do you want?"

The Colonel shrugged. "I was feeling nice today so I thought I would wake you up before anyone else got out here to save you from any embarrassment."

"Embarrassment?" Edward mused before suddenly taking note of the fact that he and Hughes had fallen asleep on the couch last night. Groaning, Ed pushed himself up into a sitting position as he rubbed his sleepy eyes. "Thanks Colonel."

Mustang twitched. Fullmetal did not thank him. It wasn't who he was, damn it!

"Good, now you and Ally make breakfast. I'm hungry." Mustang said.

Ed twitched. "Bastard. You just woke me up to cook for you, not save me from embarrassment." He snorted. "Should have known. And I'm not your personal chef, damn it!" The boy jumped over the back of the couch and marched to his room to get dressed and meet up with his brother.

Once Ed was gone, Mustang chuckled before looking at Hughes. "Are you okay?"

Hughes shrugged. "Could be worse, could be better. A good night of sleep was just what I needed."

"Something we all needed." Mustang murmured. "And it is only just beginning. I have a feeling this is only going to get much worse."

Smirking, Hughes looked over his shoulder at the doors as people begun to come out. "Well, it seems to be a conspiracy theory so that should be obvious."

Shrugging, Mustang gave a sigh. "We're going to change this future so they won't be any unnecessary deaths."

"Ed promised the same thing last night." Hughes murmured.

Mustang raised a brow, but he did not look surprised. He had noticed that Edward was very distraught about Hughes's death. He wanted to ask what the boy said last night, but restrained himself. It was a private conversation and Hughes wouldn't tell him anyway.

A moment later Ed, Ally and Al emerged from their room. The former was, once again, dressed in all black. It was his usual outfit without his gloves, jacket, and boots.

"Yo, Chief!" Havoc called and jogged over to the boy. He casually hung an arm over his shoulder, making the young teenager twitch.

"What do you want?" Ed asked suspiciously. Havoc grinned. "French toast."

Ed's eye twitched violently. "What? Do you all think I'm some type of personal chef?!" He pushed Havoc off of him and stomped angrily into the kitchen with a sighing Al following after him.

"Thanks Chief!" Havoc called after him, only to receive a heated glare from him.

As Ally's face changed from calm to this:

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