Those Who Lurk Underground

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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters except for Aaliyah.

Bold- What happens in the episodes

"Episode Title"


Regular talking/actions

Episode 14: Those Who Lurk Underground

The opening song began.

"Damn, the special beginning is still missing!" Havoc cried.

"Will you forget about that damn beginning already? It isn't coming back!" Ed snapped, but didn't bother to get up from the ground to knock some sense into his friend. His body was still so sore and in pain from his fight with Greed.

"Well, someone's not a happy camper." Havoc huffed.

Ed twitched. "Why don't we trade places?"

"Uh, no thanks."

"Then shut up."

Central Command Center was shown before Mustang was seen to be walking down a hall of the building.

"So that's Roy Mustang?" One of the faceless soldiers said.

"The Flame Alchemist, huh?"

"I wonder what connections he used to be selected at his age."

"When your rise is this rapid, your fall will be rapid as well."

"And I thought I had problems with my age." Ed snorted.

"You seem to have a lot of enemies inside the military, Colonel." Mustang smirked. "While I make enemies and have them fear me, they just want to use you for their own nefarious purposes."

Ed growled. "Oh, so they don't fear me? How saddening."

Breda smirked. "Oh, no, there are some that fear you greatly, but they fear Colonel much more than you."

Ed huffed.

When Mustang made it passed the soldiers, he smirked.

"Is the stupid Colonel smirking?" Ed asked annoyed since he didn't feel he could get off the ground and actually watch what was going on.

"Yeah, how'd you know?" Al asked.

Ed frowned. "Because it is Colonel! He's so arrogant. Hearing all those people talk about him doesn't unnerve him, but makes him satisfied. They are doing what he wants, damn it!"

"I'm touch, Fullmetal. I didn't know you knew me so well." Mustang said sarcastically.

"One's got to know about his enemy before he takes him down." Ed retorted.

"Brother," Al said with a sigh.

Then he knocked on the door to the Fuhrer's office. He walked and stepped in front of the woman's desk. "Hello," he said to her. "Colonel Roy Mustang...I'm sorry Colonel, but your transfer was poorly timed. His Excellency, the Fuhrer, is away." "Where is he?" "Inspecting at Southern Headquarters..." "He's in the south."

"Heh, we're in the south too." Ed said, grinning like a fool. "What are the chances that we run into him at some point?"

"Brother, he went to southern HQ, not Dublith. You are delirious from pain." Al said without looking away from the screen.


Dolcetto and Roa continued to run with Al as Dolcetto suddenly stopped. He smelled the air as he said, "Something doesn't smell right..." "You know what it feels like...old times..."

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