Girl on the Battlefield

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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters except for Aaliyah.

Bold- What happens in the episodes

"Episode Title"


Regular talking/actions

Episode 23: Girl on the Battlefield

The opening song began.

Dramatic action music began as the episode title appeared on the screen: "Girl on the Battlefield."

A building was shown. The windows flashed briefly before Ling jumped through one of the windows with an explosion happening after he broke through. Grey smoke filtered out of the building after the explosion occurred. Ling fell through the smoke and landed on the ground.

"Did you seriously just jump from that building to the ground?" Mustang asked horrified. No one should be able to do that without breaking their legs!

"Of course I did. I don't have time to climb down. I couldn't anyway since my hands are full." Ling replied.

"What's the big deal anyway, Colonel? I've done it before too." Edward told him.

Ling looked at him surprised. "You have? I have the training to do it, but I didn't think you did."

"I don't. I mean, it took some getting used to all that high jumping, but I'm able to do it because I have an automail leg. I just make sure I land on that and if I can't, then I make sure to land correctly so I don't break anything." Edward explained.

"I see." Ling replied, giving him a smirk. "You cheat."

Ed rolled his eyes. "Call it what you want. I can still do it."

"You are both completely insane." Hughes told them.

"Just because you don't have our skills or training..." Ed grumbled.

Ling put his hand on the ground, grimacing in pain as metal and glass clanged against the ground all around him.

"I thought you could handle that jump." Havoc accused.

Ling grimaced and held his chest. "I can. But making a jump like that hurts when my ribs have been fractured. I forget they were injured."

"Considering we have so many different fights and scenes to go through, that's not surprising." Ross said. "Hopefully your fights won't last much longer."

"At least none of us are seriously injured." Edward said, sighing. He blinked and looked up at Ling and Lan Fan. "Annnnddd, I just jinxed us, didn't I?"

"With your rotten luck, no doubt about it." Lan Fan told him.

"And here I was starting to think she was nice." Ed grumbled.

"Thank a lot, Ed." Ling added.

"Argh, it was going to happen whether I said that or not." Ed mumbled.

"Nothing's happened yet!" Brosh said.

"Just wait. Something will soon." Ed said.

Ling climbed to his feet and run down the road while Bradley looked on from the window. "A smoke bomb and grenade in one." Bradley said.

"A crazy move." Breda said. "Sounds like something Chief would pull. You guys really would be the perfect friends."

"We do what we must to survive." Ling defended.

"I object to that!" Ed protested. "I don't use grenades ever!"

"I didn't say you did. I said you both pull crazy stunts." Breda retorted.

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