Fixation (T)

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Fixation written by Ashpoint

Fixation written by Ashpoint

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i. Title & cover

Fixation is a pretty cool word. Pretty unique. I have no qualms about it. I think we put too much pressure on titles. Anyway, moving on.

The cover is a fine placeholder, but I don't think it really does what it could. I have a few suggestions. For one, I never liked the 'by' beside the author's name. To just put the author's name is so much cooler. I think the font is very simple, along with the picture. (LOVE the subtitle, though). I'd recommend getting a new cover through a graphic designer. We have a shop here at Dreamland, and I've also got a reading list full of possible options if you'd like to have a look!

ii. Blurb

While I appreciate you didn't start off the blurb with a name, I don't like full names in blurbs at all unless they have a very specific purpose for shock value (which usually means they're put only near the end). Here's the reasoning: Wattpad gives you two little lines next to your book that people can see before they enlarge it, and even then, you might not have their attention for all of that. You really have to pick and choose what you want to use that space for, and a last and first name seems like a waste. In this case, I think just leaving the name as Brielle would work fine. Other than that, I was pretty satisfied with the blurb. Not too long, gave me all the info I needed, and let me know what some of the themes might be. 

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i. The dash!

You're using the hyphen in place of the dash. A hyphen is this - and a dash for creative writing is two hyphens long, usually elongated by your writing program (not Wattpad, unfortunately) and looks like this—with no spaces between. You're currently using a hyphen with spaces on either side. Not a big deal, but something to fix all the same.

ii. The ellipsis

American grammar usually capitalizes after an ellipsis, but only if the sentence following is independent, so here you have it backwards:

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