Chapter 7

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**Vision Dream**

"You told Ronnie Anne and her parents everything, then that's when you called the police and told us, right?" Officer Mathews asked.

"Yes sir, that's right," Lincoln answered.

He wrote down a few notes, "Alright. We'll get this squared away."

"What's gonna happen now?" Ronnie asked.

"That's up to social services. They're gonna find a good foster home for him, and they'll take good care of him."

"Just to be clear, Lincoln doesn't have to see or have anything to do with his family ever again, right?"

Officer Mathews shook his head, "Nah, don't worry about it. He won't be going back to those horrible people."

Ronnie smiled and hugged Lincoln, but the white-haired boy felt he needed to ask.

"What's gonna happen to my family? To my parents?" Lincoln questioned.

"There's going to be a warrant for their arrest; we'll cuff them, then we're gonna have a little chit-chat and get all facts straight. Maybe some of your older sisters will get a cell too. Either way, they're in big trouble," Officer Mathews answered, "Big . . . big trouble."

Lincoln and Ronnie Anne walked out and headed for the waiting room where her parents were waiting.

"How are you doing, Lincoln?" Ronnie asked.

"Okay, for the most part. My parents are going to prison, some of my sisters, especially Lynn, will go to juvie, and I'm going to foster care. So yeah, I'm doing okay," Lincoln said.

"I called Stella and Clyde when I went to use the restroom to let them know you're okay."

"You did? Thank you."

"Stella's on her way here now."

Lincoln turned to her, "Really? Now?"

"Lincoln!" Stella called.

They both turned and in the waiting room, they saw Ronnie Anne's parents talking to Stella's mother and Stella running towards Lincoln. Lincoln held his arms out as they hugged each other close.

"Ronnie Anne told me what happened. Tell me you're okay," Stella said while holding Lincoln.

"I'm okay. I am," Lincoln replied.

Stella eased up and gently held his face. Then she kissed him on the lips, and Lincoln kissed her back.

"Oh, get a room, you two," Ronnie Anne mocked.

"You need a hug, Ronnie Anne? There's plenty to go around," Lincoln said.

Stella giggled, and Ronnie Anne rolled her eyes with a smile.

"So, it's over? Lincoln is going to be okay?" Stella asked.

"Yep. The authorities will handle it from here," Ronnie Anne answered.

"I still can't believe this actually happened. Bad Luck? All because Lynn lost a softball game? Is she that big of a sore loser?"

Lincoln looked down, "I guess so. Social services will be here soon, but I'm worried if I'll see you guys again after."

"Of course we will! If you think distance will tear apart this friendship, you got another thing coming, Lame-O," Ronnie Anne stated.

Stella turned Lincoln's attention, "Lincoln, no matter where you go or where you live; we'll always be together in our hearts. You're very special to me, Lincoln."

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