June 19 2023

51 0 0

Third person POV

Steve looked at Eddie with a blank look on his face. "What do you mean?" Steve asks. Eddie sighs "I mean what I said, the band got asked to go on tour for a year and i'm going." Eddie holds Steves face "You can either wait for me or come with me but i'm going with or without you." Steve moves Eddies hands from his face and get off of the couch, "Eddie I can't do this again. If I go with you i'm leaving everything behind, but if I stay and I wait... well if I could wait. I just - I don't know Eddie." They stand in scilence for 15 minutes just looking at eachother. "When do you leave?" Steve asks with a shakey voice. Eddie looks at Steve with tears in his eyes "I leave tomorrow." Eddie puts his face in his hands and starts crying harder then he ever had. Eddie knew that if he left Steve wouldn't wait for him, I mean it already happened once. Eddie also knew something else tho, if you love something let it go and if it's ment to be it will come back to you. "Eddie" Steve says as he sits on the couch, "I love you more then I have ever loved anybody, so when you get back i'll be right here waiting for you. I wont make the same mistake as before I promise." Eddie dosen't waist a second, he grabs Steves face and kisses him "I love you too, I always have and I always will."

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