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Talking to Angel's father is like talking to Angel, only he has even less of an attention span than his daughter - if that is possible. Although, he will give him the acknowledgment that he is genuinely concerned for his daughter's safety and has awarded Austin the decency of agreeing with him that it sounds like there is more to the stalker saga than meets the eye. "I can hire an army of men, they can just stand around her house in a circle holding hands - like a wall," her father says as they walk toward a shed in the middle of the vineyard.


"But, Austin-"

"I said no."

Her father stops and glares at him. Austin is only giving him the time of day because he is Angel's father, but he is about ready to cast him aside and pack Angel up. This family is one big mass of chaos.

"Do you know who I am?"


"I am Axel Rose."

Austin stares at him blankly. He had not been able to place him but with the mention of his name Austin is quick to catch on. Everyone knows who Axel Rose is. "Frontman to Guns 'n Roses..." Axel prompts with a wave of his hand.

"Now I know why Angel is the way she is."

Axel looks at Austin, his mouth dropping open and then bursts out laughing, slapping his thigh. "Oh, you are funny! I like you," he says. Austin turns and continues walking. "I know who you are," Austin throws over his shoulder. "Good. Then you will also know that I am fucking crazy and -"

"Don't you have bipolar?"

"Yes I do," Axel says proudly.

"Isn't that managed by medication and you can live a very normal, balanced life?"

"Yes, but-"

"Sir," Austin stops walking and looks at Axel. "I look after your daughter. Me. As I said, the threat is coming from the inside. Hire more men and you will be wasting your money."


"Axel. If you can trust anyone in this world, it would be Austin," Brice chips in. Axel looks unsure and also a little fearful. He does care about his daughter. Fucking Axel Rose - Angel makes a lot more sense now. He has also worked out who her mother is but he is not ready to admit that to himself. Angel coming from those two gene pools is nothing short of insanity. No wonder they kept their relationship and daughter secret - the world would have locked Angel up for everyone's safety.

"Alright, fine. You have my approval."

"I was not asking for your approval."

"You know most people trip over themselves to try and impress me, especially the ones who hope to marry my daughter."

"Your daughter is a pain in my ass and insane."

"That's true love."

Austin stares at him. This whole dam family is insane. He has no intention of marrying Angel and now he knows who her family is -he needs to get the hell out of Dodge, and fast. He shakes his head and walks into a large warehouse full of wine.

"I am getting hints of lavender and rose, how about you, Angel?" he hears Phoebe say as he walks up behind them. "Wine. Still just wine," Angel says then holds out her glass for her mother to fill again. Austin clears his throat behind them and Angel spins around with a bright smile on her face. "Austin!" she says then climbs on him like he is a fucking jungle gym. He would think she was drunk but this is normal behavior for her. "You were gone for so long and I was very bored," she says in his ear as she settles on his back. "We are done for the day," he says turning around and walking out with her still on his back. "Bye!" she shouts over her shoulder and waves, almost falling off his back but he keeps her on there in a tight grip.

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