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Angel feels like vomiting again as Lia rubs her back. She wants to stab Lia in the fucking neck with the toothbrush but her hand is shaking so much. She has always given minimal thought to her actions. Usually laughing at the consequences in a lesson learned. But, she is afraid now. It's not only her she has to worry about but a baby too. She has to make sure of everything she does now. What would Austin tell her to do in this situation? She squeezes her eyes shut and tries to think about what he would tell her to do. Always run away from the danger. That's what he said first, right? She needs to get away from Lia. As far away as she can get. So that is her aim now.

He also spoke of using her senses. There are five of them. What the fuck are they?  She squeezes her eyes shut in aid of thinking hard but her fear is making her brain die. Taste! That's one - taste your fear. That's easy, her fear tastes like vomit and she can't get rid of it. She needs to play Lia's game. It's worked out so far, but she needs Lia to let her go downstairs. The exits up here are all nailed shut or non-existent and she remembers that Austin said to test every possible exit. She makes her knees wobble and she slumps a little as Lia holds her tight. "Oh! Are you okay?" she asks concerned as she helps Angel sit on the toilet. "I feel lightheaded. It's the baby," she says rubbing her forehead. "What do you need, my love?" Lia asks.

"I need food," Angel says swaying for dramatic effect. It works and Lia looks a little panicked. "Ok, let me help you back to bed and then I will go down and get you some food."

"No! Please don't leave me alone! What if Austin comes?" Angel says grabbing Lia's wrist. "Don't worry. He does not know where we are you are safe from him here," Lia says. Angel turns it up a notch and makes herself cry. "But, I am still scared. Please don't leave me alone. I need to be with you. You make me feel safe. Please, Lia," she starts crying harder and grabbing out for Lia in a beautifully executed display of desperation. If there were cameras, Angel would get an Oscar.

Lia doesn't look too happy at the idea but her face softens when Angel laces their fingers together. "Being with you makes me feel safe and...the baby," Angel says as she bats her eyes at Lia. Lia, the stupid insane cow, falls for every word. She nods and helps Angel stand. Angel acts like she can't walk unaided which only seems to comfort Lia more with thoughts of Angel not being able to run away. But, Angel will. Given the chance, she will fucking bolt. Hopefully after she can shove the sharpened toothbrush into Lia - she worked hard on it and it would be a waste not to get to use it.

Lia helps her walk to the bedroom door and when she opens it Angel remembers - eyesight. "Look around carefully, scan everything, observe everything before you move," she remembers Austin saying. So she scans everything. The bedroom is on the second floor at the end of a narrow passage. As they walk down the passage she counts four closed doors. She fakes dizzyness at each door, leaning on it and checking that they are open. They are all locked. She also sees several photographs on the wall. Some of a family; mom, dad, and twin girls. Some of just the twin girls. They look remarkably like Lia. Is this Lia's family house? Lia has never mentioned a sister, but she has never spoken about her parents either.

They get to the top of the stairs and Angel takes in as much as she can. The stairs lead down to the front hall, the front door has planks on it and is nailed shut. Off the hall to the right is a large lounge and to the left is a dining room. When she gets away from Lia she won't bother with the front door but she will try the windows in the dining room and the lounge. When they get to the bottom of the stairs Lia turns them right and leads them down another passage. Angel starts mapping the house out in her mind.

They walk past two doors on either side of the passage. She fakes dizzyness again and leans on one of the doors almost falling into a stairwell leading to the basement. Smell. She can smell fresh air - there is an open window down there. Lia catches her before she lands on her face then closes the door and tries to lock it."Where is the key?" she mumbles looking at the floor. "Don't think there is one," Angel says slipping the key into her pocket. It sits snugly next to the sharpened toothbrush and pregnancy test. "Well, it's not important, that door leads to nowhere," Lia says taking her arm and leading her to the kitchen.

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