New beginning

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Ariya's POV

***Alarm buzzed***


Monday's one of the worst days of the week. Especially when it's the first day of year 13 in September. I wake up do my normal routine, and decide to go wear a white slim turtleneck top with black jeans and because london is always cold especially in the autumn and winter season.

I was your normal average teen girl well I'm more on the quiet side now, where I just don't like to seek attention. They say that when something hard hits you at it's peak point your lifestyle and mind completely changes but it's not like you forced yourself to be like that. I became this quiet person ever since my mother passed away from an accident three years ago and nothings been the same ever since she left. My mother was a very beautiful women she was my inspiration, she was my light and my best friend. Everyone always said I was the exact replica of my mother and that I was her mini twin and they're not wrong, I had all the features of her. Her light brown hair, big hazel eyes and a smooth olive skin complexion. My dad always said that whenever he saw me he saw my mother in me and he said it gave him the strength to still keep moving forward which makes me warm hearted all the time for him.

I wasn't always like this, I was a normal person once before my mum passed away. I mean yes I was shy but only to an extent and then you grow comfortable with talking. But when my mum left I guess you could say that my mother's death had unleashed my anxiety and it had went to the highest gear and that's when I was afraid of the outside world. My anxiety has gotten bad to a point where I had to be put on medication to ease it down for a few months. Then after some time I slowly started to occupy myself with things like reading. I do take them but now it's very less like I would take them if I couldn't sleep at night because of the ceaseless nightmares of the accident, or if I am really stressed out or even when I overthink about little things. But so far it's been okay.

I currently live with my dad, and he's the best dad. My dad is a business man and he went through a lot to keep everything stable once my mum was gone but I always supported him no matter what. I went downstairs and I saw my dad sitting on the counter having his tea and watching the news. Typical dads.

"Hey Ariya, morning," my dad said and looked up.

"Morning dad, I'm just leaving for school" as I grab a banana and go get my coat cause yh UK weather.

"Ariya please beta, have something proper."

My dad always calls me beta, which means my child I mean which Indian parent doesn't. I like it when he calls me beta because it shows the love and the bond you have between your parents. I mean I'm not only Indian,I'm actually Indian/Italian/Kenyan oh and British. Yh it's a lot but my mum was Italian she was born in Italy and stayed there for a couple of years, and my dad is Kenyan because of my grandfather but the both of them are Indian. Yup a lot of backgrounds.

"It's fine dad, I'm going to be late if I don't leave now, so I'll text you when I reach there," I said reassuringly,

"No no, I'm actually heading your way today I'll drop you off just let me go get my stuff and we can leave." I look at my dad all suited up and ready to go. He's in his 40s and he looks young too which is amazing for him because he said he doesn't wanna "fit in" with people that are his age, he wants to look and feel younger and feel strong and fit. As he should.

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