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Ariya's POV

"WAIT WHAT!!" T screamed while her mouth was full of food and her eyes were wide, Yup I was right. I swear to god I should have taken a pic. We were sitting on the benches eating lunch, and my dad had made me a Nutella sandwich as he knows it's my favourite, and then there's T devouring the pasta from the canteen, I swear she loves her food more than me. We sat on the benches as the sun came out for a bit but it was still a bit chilly. "what the fuck why are you and not ME!?" She said with a pout then I started laughing and she started to laugh while going nuts at the same time.

"I don't know but Ayaan is cute and he's also quite smart to be fair, now Dylan Yh he was proper pissed when he saw me and Ayaan at the library and then he came up to me as I walking down the corridors-" T cut me off and said " wait why is it always you two and talking in the corridors" she said laughing. I shrugged my shoulder cause I have no absolute idea.

"Yh and then he called me beautiful, kind and smart and then the bell rang so we left to go our classes" I said said shockingly.

"Hold up he called you those three words especially beautiful" she widened her eyes and smirked at me "I think this boy likes you girl, he's making moves" she said. "Yh but that's what makes me afraid Tan, like what if he's just you know using me and toying with me" I said.

"Babe I don't think so because if he was then he would make the process a bit faster and just flirt with you straight away but by the looks of it he's not bothering you or anything he's the approaching you and making a little convo which is not in the way you think so far, so I don't think that he may be using you, I think this boy has some feelings for miss "beautiful".

After we finished talking we both left to go home and T decided to give me a ride. "Thanks for the ride T" I waved and she waved back. I can drive I got my licence this year, but I just don't have a car at the moment which is no issue at all for me.

As I was walking towards my house I took my keys out to open the door but as I put the key in the door was open. "Why is the door open, dad said he'll be back late and he would never leave the house with the door open". I said quietly under my breath. My dad does have an alarm system but it didn't go off the bell and the cameras were off too. Yh my dad had installed cameras in our house and he went overprotective to a point he thought about security guards and we all thought he was being absurd until my mum denied it.

I mean I know how to defend myself as my dad and my mum actually made me take them when I was young. They said that if any danger had occurred you would know how to protect yourself. And so they made me start taking lessons from the age of 14 which is young but not that much and I was grateful for it.

I walked in and everything looked normal except the living room everything was open and papers everywhere, I started to remember my mothers words as she explained all the types of situations if they had ever happened she said "If anyone breaks in the main thing is to be discreet as possible and not cause any movement beta, if they do they know that they have been caught and they will act quickly". I slowly made my way in and made sure to be discreet I checked the kitchen and the other rooms and they were messed up but not that badly. The stairs were next, my house was big but I still had to be quiet, I slowly climbed up the stairs and I know my room is always closed and my dad's but my dad's room wasn't closed it was open. As soon as I slowly start walking towards the room I heard a sound of rummaging and shuffling. My heart was beating erratically and my anxiety spiked up. Next thing you know the door opened again downstairs what the absolute fuck then the person inside my dad's room started approach the door so I hid behind the bathroom door as quickly as I could and I heard that person go downstairs.

I came out and I started to peak over the railing and I started to take phone out to call my dad and what was worse was that I was on 3% so I quickly tried to call my dad. I called my dad like three times and he didn't pick up. Next thing you know my phone died. I started overthinking about my dad like what if something happened to him? My mind was like whirlwind. My anxiety was peaking up so high, my breathing was going faster than normal but I couldn't let that take over me.

I slowly started to make my way down step by step and I heard them talking and I noticed it was Italian. Luckily I knew Italian because of my mum. When I was young my mum would talk to me in Italian so I understood her and then she would tell me to learn each of the words she spoke, and then I gradually became fluent. Me and my mum were the only ones in the family who knew Italian. I slowly started to listen to their convo and one of them had a deep voice

"Hai capito, sai che il capo si arrabbierà" (Did you get it, you know the boss will get angry) one of the man said. Wait what were they coming to get and who the hell is the boss?

"no, ho guardato tutti i file e non sono riuscito a trovarlo da nessuna parte, specialmente la cassaforte, so che non è giù per le scale" (no I looked through all the files and I couldn't find it anywhere especially the safe I know it's not down stairs) the other one said. What the fuck safe!

I slowly started to go into my dads room and the only thing I found was a tennis racket, I don't even know why he even has this in his room. When I tell you his room was fucked up, it was. That man thrashed everything.

I started to go down and once I reached the bottom so I could call the emergency number on the home phone but someone grabbed me from behind. I immediately freaked out and my instincts took over me and I smacked the tennis behind him and he let me go. I turned around and he was like in his mid 30s and he definitely looked Italian.

"bene bene.. se non è la figlia dell'ex regina" (well well .. if it is not the daughter of the former queen) he spoke with the smirk on his face. Former queen is he talking about mum?

The other guy came he looked like he was in his mud 30s and as soon as he saw me his eyes widened and smirked at me and said "
lei è sicuramente la figlia di reena" (she is definitely reena's daughter) the hell how does he know my mothers name.

"Sweetheart let's not make life difficult and you can tell us where the safe is" the one that looked like he was in mid 30s spoke.

"I have no idea what safe your talking about, I don't know anything about a safe" I said with fear piercing through my eyes.

"Yes thaane khabar che, safe kya che?" (You do know, where the safe is). He spoke in Gujarati. What the hell they're Indian too.

Before I could say anything the guy goes "well I guess we just have to take you principessa" the guy came to grab me and I quickly kneed him in his crotch and puncher the guy. The other guy came from behind and choke holded me with his arm until I elbowed his stomach and twisted his arm and punch his face with force and which gave him a nose bleed. But before I could get to the other guy smacked my head really hard by a frame and frame I immediately got dizzy and shot of pain in my head started to increase and I started to see black dots. I fall on the floor and my eyes were slowly shutting and I couldn't hear anything except muffled voices. Before they could take me the door shot open and I saw a guy in a suit and another guy who was casually dressed and I heard two gunshots and then that's when I lost consciousness.

The Missing Piece Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant