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Ariya's POV

I wake up with a pounding headache and I noticed I'm in my room and I have a bandage on my head.

"Ahhh my head, everything hurts" I said. Then I heard footsteps and I immediately had an anxiety on the way thinking those two guys were still.

"Bambi are you awake?" There's only one person who calls me Bambi. The door opened and I saw him Shayan. I immediately jumped up from my bed and I hugged the life out of him. I didn't even notice the tears falling from my eyes because of what had just happened and also because I missed him so much.

Shayan is my older brother he's 20 years old and is currently in final year at university studying business and finance. I don't get to see him often as he's been very busy plus after mum died I didn't see him much because he needed his own space as so did I.

"Shhh it's okay Bambi shhh it's okay" his voice was so soothing while he was rubbing my back.

"I missed you so much" I cried as I was hugging him. I look up and he's gone a bit different. "My head hurts so bad right probably because I'm crying a lot."

"Yh I know let's get you to your bed and I'll get some meds for you" he said. Shay left and he went to get the meds a few seconds later he came back with water and pills and I took them.

"Shay what's going on?, what are you doing here?, why were there two guys here?, why were they looking-" I started to hyperventilate

"Shhh it's okay okay calm down ari shhh it's fine your okay I took care of them" he said while comforting me.

"Wait was that you, who came in before I passed out, d..did you shoot the guys" my anxiety and fear was spiking up really bad that I was clenching my heart.

"Yh it was me. But shhh Bambi breathe first do you want me to get your anxiety pills, you need them?" I shakes my head no because I stopped taking them. It's just I had so many emotions right now. "I can explain Bambi but I don't think I should be the one too, but as of right now you are safe okay, I'm here okay" I nodded my head and he hugged me and I rested my head in his chest. "but I gotta say sis you defended yourself pretty well before you got hit cause they looked beaten up badly" he chuckled and I slightly smiled.

"Shay where's dad?" I asked hesitantly and quietly.

"Oh he came as soon as I reached here, he saw your three missed calls and he called you back but your phone was off" he said.

"Yh my phone died, it was on 3% and the I tried to call as many times as I could" I said.

"Yh well when you didn't pick up he called me instantly as I was driving over here and me and him came in quickly and well as you guessed I shot them and dad is taking care of it right now, he'll be back in a bit if your wondering and then we called in a doc we know to check you and luckily your okay but you did get hit pretty bad" I just nodded my head slowly.

"Why do guys have guns and why are you here?" I questioned slightly arching an eyebrow up.

"Ouch ari can't I come see my family plus, and yes I do have a gun and dad does too but like I said I wish I could tell you, but I don't think I should," I nodded my head and didn't argue further as my head was hurting but it did subside a bit.

"Your starting to look more like dad you know cause of your facial hair" I chuckled.

Yh I know ashay even said the same thing as well. He said smiling. Ash is shay's childhood best friend.

As I was the exact replica of our mum, shay was the exact replica of our dad. Shay had brown hair and brown poop eyes like my dad. I used to annoy him cause he had brown eyes so I used to call him poop eyes because he wanted hazel eyes like me and mum.

"Oh by the way there's someone I want you meet later on after some time," he said.

"Oooo does Rohit have a girlfriend" I said happily with a big smile on my face and he gave me a dirty look back because I said his middle name.

"Don't call me Rohit". He said with a dirty look. He hated his middle name so that was another thing that I used to annoy him about.

Normally in the Indian culture most Indian's have their dads name as the child's middle name and then the surname but my mum didn't want that especially for me so she said that the second names that we choose will be there middle names. With Shayan mum wanted it to be Shayan so he was thankful for mum, and my dad was happy with that too. But then apparently my dad must've promised my grandmother that his name will be Rohit but my mum and dad preferred Shayan. So they put the name Rohit in his middle name so Shayan hated my dad for that which I laugh about all the time I mean come on it's not a terrible name it's just too common. So then his name became Shayan Rohit Patel.

Whereas my name well my mum wanted mine to be different she wanted an Indian name for me but she also wanted an Italian name too so my chose my name ariya and my mum loved it too. But then my nani ( my mum's mother so my other grandmother) both her and my mum wanted my middle name to be called Alessia which is an Italian name because my nani always said I was unique and that I was different since the very first day she saw me. So then my name became Ariya Alessia Patel.

"Yh her name is Esha" he said. I could see the happiness in his eyes when as he said her name.

"Awww bhai (brother) got a girl, I can't wait to meet her and ask her what she saw in you" I said while smirking. "I'm happy for you" I said happily.

"Don't you dare ari, Yh she's also looking forward to meet you" he chucked and kissed my head. I thought he'd smack me but he knew my condition enough to not do that. Smart choice otherwise I would have had a big go at him.

A few hours passed and I didn't wanna be in bed so Shay carried me down and I sat on the couch and we ordered pizza in and he also made sure that I took my meds.

"The doctor will come tomorrow to see your head Yh he did say to not to wash your hair, though you can have a shower but not get your head wet" he said. I nodded and didn't ask anything because I knew what he would say.

After a while the door opened and it was my dad he didn't even take of his shoes or anything he straight away engulfed me in a hug.

"Oh my god my beta" he crouched down like I'm some little kid. "Are you okay I'm so sorry this happened to you," he said with such guilt in his eyes.

"Yh dad I'm fine" I really don't know what I could say because that scene of that whole incident kept replaying in my head. "Dad please tell me what's going on," I asked seriously and I didn't hesitate once a bit.

He looked at me and then shay spoke saying "dad she deserves to know". My dad nodded his head and went to go get something from his office. He came back with a red box. The box had the initials "AAP".

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