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Shayan's POV

A few hours before Ariya woke up

Phone rings***

"Hey dad. I'm just driving home don't tell ari-"

"Shay get home now Ariya called me three time and she not answering me now I'm nearly on my way home get there as quick as you can" he yelled over the speaker. My heart bested fast as I pushed the gas pedal and quickly take my gun out of the glove department and put the bullets in. God I hope nothing happened to her.

As I quickly get home I saw my dads car in coming onto the side road and he quickly got out. As I reached the door I quickly opened it and I saw two men beated up and my sister on the floor closing her eyes slowly. They were about to get their guns out and fight but I went straight 20 steps ahead and shot the assholes straight away.

My dad immediately went to ari and started to panic and try to wake her up and I quickly called our family doctor, ray and he came in within 5 min. I went to ari and I prayed it was nothing severe. Once Ray came, he quickly aided and checked her and said she's fine. She just had a concussion and has a bruise but nothing internally was damaged where she needed to go to the hospital.

I look at my dad and he felt immediate guilt and frustration inside. He started to call people and talk to them in Gujarati in pure anger while being next to my sister. I went over to him and said "who were they, was it gray's people?" he looked at me and nodded with fury on his face.

"They came to take reenas legacy so they could destroy the empire but, they don't know that the legacy is actually ariya, and that the safe is in Italy and not in London" he said with guilt and anger.

I touched his shoulder and said "I think it's time you tell her and who she really is, she needs to know because if these come back then she'll know what to do with others to help her". He nodded.

"I called AJ and he locked them up in the prison at the warehouse I gotta to deal with them and get info" he said and kissed ari forehead and said "I love you beta" and left.

When ariya woke up

I got my stuff out from the car and started to clean up dads room and sort everything out until I heard Ari voice. She definitely looked more like mum and it made me happy. After mum died me and ari went quite distant from each other we both needed our own space but I had to keep going forward for mum sake as she knew that she would never want me to fall down. Whereas Ari she took it tough because she was there when mum died and she shut herself down and she changed massively. We did speak but not a lot and I had my studies to get back on track and a also help dad as he lost the love his life and I lost my mother, my number one supporter.

As I made my up to my ari room I opened the door and said "bambi are you awake?" Bambi was a name I had given her when she was born I didn't know her name that time so I kept calling her bambi so that became her name for me, and it makes her happy whenever I say it except in public cause she thinks it's weird but I don't care. She rushed out of her bed and hugged me and I hugged her back because it's been a while since I saw her and she started to break down as I know most of it was from the incident that happened.

"Shh it's okay Bambi shhh it's okay" I said while rubbing her back. It really broke my heart to see the state she was in as I look at her properly I saw my mum in her and she didn't look well at all, she looked like she lost a few kilos and I was concerned but I didn't wanna talk about it now. I just wanted to care for her.

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