Hanging out

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Ariya POV

After I said yes to go out with Dylan, we started to talk a little bit more and I started to get comfortable around him. He started to tell me about his friends and his family, apparently he has a sister but then he didn't talk much about his family that much and I didn't push it as I thought he might be a bit afraid. He told me about his friends Jaiden, Ishaan and kyra and a few others. They all went to our school actually. I know kyra because she's in my English lit class and when I tell you she's one of the known girls in the school she was. I mean she was considered the most beautiful girls in our year. She had that indian complexion as she had brown hair and brown eyes and she had an hourglass figure. She was the Indian goddess. Dylan also told me about Jaiden and I remembered he was the guy at the library that day I was helping Ayaan with politics. Turns out him and Jaiden grew up and lived close by to eachother.

I also told him about mine and how I have one brother and a dad, and I also told him about Tanya. It's surprising because he does remember her as they both had biology together in year 10 and he said "she was such a loud pain in the ass" I giggled straight away. I told him about my background as well and he was shocked when I told him because turns he was also Italian like me which made me speechless but I got a hint, when he swore in Italian. I guess now I know where he gets the features from like me as I definitely see it now and he even said the same thing about me having the Italian beauty which made me feel heated inside. I also told him about my mum and I could see the guilt in his eyes but I changed the subject quickly as I didn't want to escalate that even more. I guess he could tell that's was the reason why I'm so closed off. But our time together was really nice during break in the empty classroom was good. After a while my phone buzzed and I saw it was Tanya who texted me asking where I was.

"Ari where are you, are you alive girl?" Tanya asked me.

"I'm in my business class and yes I'm alive." I replied.

"Is that Tanya asking where you are?" Dylan asked and I nodded.

"Oh good so since your in your business class can I eat your lunch because you left it in the car and I'm hungry :)."

"Is that the reason why you asked me if I'm alive, so you could eat my LUNCH!" I rolled my eyes. I could hear deeply chuckling because he could see my messages.

"By the way Shayan made it, so if it's good thank him." I texted her, and she replied back with a thumbs up emoji.

"She text you if your alive so she can ask if she can eat your lunch." Dylan said while laughing and I rolled my eyes while smiling

"Why am I not surprised." I mumbled and shakes my head.

After we talked the bell went and break time was over, that 30 minute break felt like a long time and it was a really good one.

"We have to go, what do you have next?" He asked me.

"Oh I have free the entire day now I just had that two hours business today morning."

"Really me too guess we're both free now." He smirked.

When we have free we are allowed to go home unless you wanna stay in school but I was gonna head home until Dylan asked. "Do you want to go out for lunch? I mean our date is still on but we can still hang out."

I was hesitant but I do want to give it a chance, I mean I already let him kiss me so fuck it. "Yh sure I could eat". He smiles and we both got up got our bags and he held his hand out and I didn't know if I should take it because I thought of what everyone would think and it made me feel uncomfortable but I hesitantly took it and he smiled. What caught me off guard was when he grabbed my hand and kissed it. It me blush a little and he noticed and grinned at me. Wow I didn't expect that.

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