Chapter 7

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Author's POV

" Fourthhh!! Aren't you ready yet?? " Gemini was teeny tiny bit mad because it's been a hour since Fourth went in to his room to get dressed for their Friendy-non-friendly date. Now gemini is banging hard to fourth's room door " FOURTH!!! " he called fourth again. After 2 or 3 mins fourth opened his door with an annoyed face. " Whatttt?? Huh? You got no patient huh?" Fourth said keeping the annoyed look.

" dont give me that face fourth its been a hour since you went in to the room! " gemini frowned

" Ehhhh?? That much? " fourth got surprised. He thought its been 20 mins or 30. He didnt felt time flies while he was diving through his closet to find some cute outfits. He wanted to look cute infront of Gemini.

"Ahem...Err now its okayy and..y-you look cute with baby pink" gemini praised the look after scanning fourth's head to toe. Fourth was wearing white cargo pants with babypink oversized sweater. He was also wearing short pearl necklaces. It was also pink and white 2 colored. He combed his hair back leaving lil hair lines infront of his forehead. He looked gorgeous that made Gemini stand still infront of Fourth for a while.

"Hey Gemini come back to this world" fourth was waving his hand to gemini's face

" you know what?? You're always space out these days..its kinda make me worry " Fourth formed a pout on his lips

"Ahh its okayyy I just.. *Sigh* nevermind" gemini pinched fourth's natural rosy cheeks while saying that
"Owww, why are you always pinching me??"
" because you look adorable " Gemini replied with a smirk.
" oh you know how to flirt now?" Fourth mocked Gemini
" what did you mean by that?"
" well you know since highschool I never saw you flirt with anyone so I just thought you dont know how t-" fourth got cut offed by Gemini by placing his index finger on fourth's lips.

" If you dont shut your mouth now..I'll kiss you till you drop at your feet " gemini leaned closer to fourth's face
" I think I have heard that line from somewhere..." Fourth said while laughing and he was slightly blushed by the words.

" don't bother lets go noww!" Finally Gemini dragged fourth to the downstairs.  At that time Milk came out of her room with a sleepy head.

"Aaow Gemini? Where are you dragging my brother? " then Milk side eyed fourth.
" Waitt, I think today's gonna rain with thundering " Milk laughs while sending glances at fourth
" why phii??" Gemini questioned milk
" you ask why? Fourth never wore pink sweaters I brought for him. He said that the colour was too cutesy" milk smirk at fourth.
" aw really phi??" Gemini and Milk turned Fourth's way simultaneously. The look on fourth was really cute he was pouting. with his pink tinted sheeks that was so obvious he was embarrassed  but boy had murderous ideas in his mind for Milk just because she exposed him. Gemini let out a chuckle and left with Fourth.

"So where are we going first" fourth asked Gemini while buckling his seat belt.
" Hey! Cant you see I'm still wearing my yesterday clothes? " Gemini raised a brow at Fourth.
"Aaow! Completely forgot" said fourt and laughed. Then gemini shook his head with disbelief.
" first lets go over my home then I can get dressed " gemini started his car.

After 2 hours boys reached to their destination. Titicharoenrak mansion. Gemini and Fourth went inside the house and greeted gemini's parents. Gemini parents were in the living room space. As soon as lady Potjanee saw Fourth enter the space she ran into him like a highschool girl who just saw her old friend. "Oh my god fourth! Sweetie " gemini mom holds fourths hands and called him. Fourth gave her the best gummy smile that made lady Potjanee's heart melt. She adores fourth so much. She loves him as her own son. When their moms got befriend because the boys. Gemini's mom even asked fourth's  mom if she can own fourth for a while. Even tho gemini is a person who gets jealous all the time didnt care about his own mom's behavior. He loved when his mom adore fourth like this.

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