Chapter 26

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It's been a week since Fourth moved in to Titicharoenrak's house in amidst of his family's protests. More sound like milk and their dad. Ratjanee decided to stay silent and not to say anything knowing her words will only be putting into deaf ears. It's not like fourth asked their permission to move from his home but they made a scene anyway. Gemini was feeling really guilty about this that the boy had to take all his lover's luggages from the door step, with an apologetic expression plastered on his face toward his family in law. His eyes pleading please don't hate me for this

If fourth made a decision for himself, it is really hard to convince him for another thing or give up on his idea. Because why? He's a stubborn man! Gemini really tried to make the boy stay in his home for some time but all he received from his lover was

" you don't want me to live with you? "

" are you already tired of me? "

And sleeping on the couch for 2 days. But Fourth ended up curling into his embrace on the couch after one or two hours sleeping alone on the bed. They are lucky that Atid is a very calm baby because he doesn't really cry that much. At first it kinda scared Fourth but his doctor reassured him. After a while Just like that Gemini agreed with his boyfriend to move into his house. 

At those times Fourth's family always made sure to visit Atid and bring the new born baby what in need ( actually he doesnt need anymore because Gemini's parents made sure to make Fourth and Atid comfortable as possible )

In the first week of Gemini's home Mrs Photjanee always stayed by his side to help Fourth to take care of Atid. Gemini had to return back to University again with his Finals coming in few weeks.


* Ring *

" Ma, I think someones at the door "

Fourth called out from the living room while rocking Atid on his arms. Trying to put Adit in sleep

" Coming~ " Photjanee made her way out to the front door with rushing steps and fourth looked at his mother in law with a curious look. Whats the rush? He thought and shrugged his shoulders going back to what he was doing

" C'mon Atid cry a bit love! Papa is bored living in peace " Fourth nuzzled his nose on his son's cheek receiving a teethless smile from his baby.

" why so adorable " he couldn't help but smile warmly at his son and sniff kiss the rosy cheeks.

When he sat on the couch he is met an unknown woman with Gemini's mom with smiling faces.

" Fot baby, this is Veronica. One of my good friends " potjanee introduced the new face and Fourth nodded with a polite smile

" and she will take care of two of you when I'm not around " this time fourth surprised with the sudden declaring

" aow Ma! I told you we don't need a  nanny, I can take care of Atid seriously "
Fourth whined making the two older women chuckle

" Gemini really made some miracles happen huh? He found a gorgeous boyfriend and even got himself an adorable ball of sunshine " the women is in awe for this papa and baby. And fourth's cheeks tinted pink by the complement.

" Gosh look at th colours on both of their cheeks " she exclaimed again making photjanee laugh

" seriously Vero you didnt even changed a bit of your childish behavior? You are almost 56 years old! "

" Oh shut up Janee " Veronica was offended by her friend. And this is the Fourth's chance to laugh

Mrs. Veronica an Photjanee was met in a charity event five years ago and they became really good friends since that time. She is a very humble woman that we can trust her with anything. Her husband died 3 years ago now she lives with her only son's family. Since her son's family still having problems with money she is doing this job to support her son even though he was against the idea and telling her not to tire herself.

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