Chapter 8

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Gemini's POV

We got into the car immediately after the incident. I couldn't control my anger so I keep banging to my steering wheel while shouting at myself . I noticed Fourth was bowing his head down and flinched everytime I banged. I guess he's scared. So I stopped blaming my pathetic self for a bit and reached out for him.

" Fou..I'm sorry na.."
"Look at me.." I said with a sad tone. He was still looking down with no words then he spoke slightly with a cracking voice

" It's not your fault Gem.." seeing him in this state hurts me more than anything. I accept the fact that I love him more than anything. Its not just a attachment or lust. I Love him. But the person I love the most breaking down like this? How can I stay till? But his words made me anger.

Like what the fuck is he even talking about? He was blaming himself for being weak. Just because he's a man that doesnt mean he can slove anything by himself. Everyone needs help when they in danger. Why was he like this?

I heard him sobbing hard so I stretched my arms to hug him. Then he started to broke down tears and cry more louder. I was wondering what I should do cause in the first place I'm not kind of person to comfort others. Everytime when something bad happen to me fourth was always beside me and comforted me. I guess this time I need to return the favor. Return the comfort he gave me. I wanted stay by his side.

So I started to kiss him by his cheek softly hoping he could calm down. Fortunately his sobs ended and calmed down. I was relived by that.

" Lets go home na.." I said while breaking the hug. Then he nodded.

"Just sleep over my house, I'll inform your parents that you stay the night with me "

I did not wanted to send him home yet. I know he will cry alone untill he pass out and his parents probably will worry about him. I need to keep him untill he regain his normal self. I can obviously say that he is not in his right mind now because Fourth is never a person who talks ill about himself or others. I'm just too scared to let him be alone.

* - * - *

We reached our home after 30mins ride. I realized Fourth was silent throughout the whole ride. But let him be. I didnt wanted to pressure him.

We went inside the house after letting a bodyguard to park my car.

When we were about to go upstairs my mom came toward us wearing an apron. I guess she was preparing dinner. Both me and Fourth waied my mom.

"Aow why so early? "

" didn't you guys enjoy the day? " she asked me

" No mae..we're just tired " I said looking down at fourth while caressing his back. He looked lifeless but he managed to smile at my mother.

Then my mom took a look at fourth with puzzled look. Even tho fourth smiled at her she knew something was up. Cause Fourth smile did not reach his eyes like other time.

Her expression changed into a concern look but she didnt ask us what happened. Actually I really love my mom's personality she is a wise and thoughtful women.

She let us rest untill dinner. Then we slowly made our way to my room. My mom said to let fourth use one of the guest rooms because he can rest comfortably  But I took him to my room with a thought to stay by his side.

After we got into the room I told Fourth to take a shower meantime I'll call his parents about staying the night at my home. Then He nodded and was about get into the bathroom but he stoped at his feet and returned to me lowering his head.

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