Chapter 11

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Author's POV

" Don't Fucking call me by that! " gemini stunned on the place he was standing on. He never saw Fourth like this, like this mean to him? Fourth never treated Gemini like that

" please Fourth I'm sorry..can you please open the door for me?..I beg you Fourth "
Gemini pleading Fourth without a reason. He want to hug his baby and comfort him. He want to wipe Fourth's tears from his face. He want to be with him so bad. Gemini can faintly hear fourth breaking down.

Other hand Fourth chocking on his own tears, crying out loud
Whats wrong with me??? Why did this happen?? I know its not his fault but..but.why??? It was so fucking hard for me to keep this feelings for years but what now? I couldn't stand what happened before my eyes like how can she do that to him??

Fourth was lost in his own maze of thoughts. He felt like he cant get out of it untill his life time is over. He cant stop the tears brimming down his face. When he heard a faint crying sound from the out side he knew this time he did a unforgivable mistake. He knew he's the wrong person but his anger was blinding him. He was taking his anger from Gemini. He made Gemini cry...

" FOURTH!! PLEASE FUCKING OPEN THIS DOOR!!" another bang on the door

" DONT TRY MY PATIENT " another bang
Fourth could hear the crying sound and anger from Gemini's voice

" Listen fou..if I did something wrong please forgive me..dont be unreasonable please.." this time gemini said his voice a little bit stern.

Fourth opened the door. He was a mess, gemini heart ached from the view and he tried to hug the the boy but he refused. He was glaring at Gemini like he can kill someone right now.

" so you're saying I'm being unreasonable ? " fourth looking at Gemini face with a  hurt face.actually gemini didnt said that intently its just jumped out of his mouth. Even though its real fourth being unreasonable but he never planed to tell him like that.

" I mean please calm down fourth "

" calm down what? Do you know how many years I lived with this pain? These feelings killing me everytime when someone approach you!! " Fourth  was crying again. There's nothing gemini can do but listen to him. Fourth even refusing his touch right what can he do?

" but you still saying I'm being unreasonable? Its hurt gem!! IT'S FUCKING HURTS "

" YOU KNOW NOTHING!! " Fourth went insane, he lost his self. Suddenly a ache from his heart made him unbreathable. His words didnt came out of his mouth anymore. He started to choke and his knees felt like wobbling. He cant stand straight anymore. his whole body felt heavy and he lost conscious. When he was about to fell on the ground Gemini catched him and held him immediately by waist. Gemini called Fourth's mom and milk loud and they came upstairs in flash.

" OH MY GOD GEMINI WHAT HAPPENED ???! " lady ratjanee screaming

" MOM LETS TAKE FOURTH TO THE HOSPITAL " milk rushed to her car while gemini bringing fourth in his arms bridal style and lady ratjanee following him.




[ at the hospital ]

They took fourth inside the emergency room. Now gemini, milk and ratjanee waiting outside for doctors to come out. Gemini was so restless and he cant even breathe properly. He was blaming himself that he is the reason why Fourth ended up at this state.

While Gemini walking infront of the emergency room back and forth Milk approached him.

" Gemini "

" yes phi " gemini answered like a dead person

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