Chapter 13

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Fourth's POV

"Oh fourth..I missed you soo much.."

gemini was looking at my face with a soft smile that made my heart ache in pain. The pain reminded me how much I've hurt him for days continuesly without a proper reason. I have realized everything and I'm regretting my actions.

Right after the word's scaped from gemini's mouth hit my ears made my eyes blur and clouded with tears flowing down my face

" Gem.." I said whispering before him hugging me tight like there's no tommorrow. He held me so tight look like I was planing to leave him in any moment. His chin was placed on my shoulder and he was rubbing my back saying

" I missed you fou..I fucking missed you so much..I thought you'll never talk with me.." I heard he mutter under breath and I felt my shoulder getting wet by his tears. Right after I fell that he was crying I pulled off and cupped his face from my both hands. 

" hey..dont cry..dont cry..its my fault gem..its my fault.." I was sobbing still holding his face

" I'm so sorry for everything I have done to you. I know i was being meaningless and I couldn't hold my anger..i was being a pure fool gem..I-iwas..i-ii was-"I was stuttering but gemini cupped my mouth closing it by his palm gesturing me to stop tears still streaming down my cheeks. I was so frustrated with my own self to the point not just Gemini, I even gave hard time to my family and my close friends.

"Shhh..I know baby..I know..I know it all" gemini said while wiping my tears from his thumb caressing my cheeks.

My eyes widened by the words..what does he know?? What did he mean..?

" know what?.." I questioned him

" I know it all..I know whats the reason behind your all actions for the past few days " gemini said still caressing my face.

"I'm so sorry gem..i'm so sorry...will you forgive me.." I started to cry again burying my face on his chest like a kid.

" baby..stop did nothings wrong so please..I dont wanna see you crying.." gemini needlessly comforted me in his arms while whispering nothing but sweet words to my ears untill I regain my usual self. And suddenly he muttered the words I have beeing craving to hear from him for years..for past few years I was dreaming to hear those words from him..

" Fourth I love you.."
I broke the hug and looked at his face not believing the words he just said to me
" I love you" he said again kissing my cheeks while holding my waist

" w-wha-" i dont know  where did this my dumbness come from.

" I  said I love you dummy! , you want me to repeat thousands times??" He was looking at my face with the sweetest smile while I was froze in place.

" I love you so much fourth..I love you the most.." gemini again said the words while kissing my forehead.

" I love you too gem..I love you sooo much " I said without a hesitant because I know Gemini wasnt lying. He loves me so much to the point I cant even bring my self to believe that. This is felt like a dream to me.

"I love you moree..I can say this everyday.." he chuckled while pecking my lips and hugging me again tightly. I heaved a heavy sigh releasing the all heaviness on my heart. " just damn..what a time to confess.." I said chuckling

" why you dont want me to confess??" Gemini narrowed his brows at me breaking the hug. I just laughed at him and hit on his chest playfully.

" lets go look exhausted" gemini exclaimed making me sit on the passenger seat.

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