Chapter 12

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Author's POV 

Next day Fourth decided to going university because he didn't wanted waste time and loss his classes anymore. He told ford to pick him up.

Ratjanee was happy her child finally decided to go outside but he doesnt look like his usual self. But she knew he will be back to himself in no time. After Fourth left the house ratjanee immediately called Gemini and told that fourth coming to uni today.

" ohooo really love your soon to be son in law hah? " said milk while munching on a sandwich

" shut up..when will you go to work? Is that how girls eat hah? " Ratjanee scolded her daughter seeing her behavior eating while sitting on the dining table but not on the chair


Fourth came outside of his house to get into the ford's car but he didnt seem
come yet. So fourth called his friend.

Hello meung! Where are you?

[ look straight on the road we're infront of your housre]


[ oh I came with my beloved boyfriend hehe]

Oh okay!!

After cut the call he saw ford waving at him infront of a black sport car. when fourth got close to ford he was greeted with ford's disheveled face. Fourth doesnt know whats the reason but he did not think about it deeply and got into the car silently.

" hi fourth! Good morning " said mark

" morning " Fourth replied simply.

After ford got into the car mark started the engine. The ride was so silent since no one didnt utter a word. Ford felt atmosphere was awkward so he broke the silent with

" why didnt you call your gemini To pick you?" ford asked fourth without looking at his face

" what? My? " fourth made a question mark face

" yes yours " ford answered without a hesitant

" when did he became mine? "

" dont act cool fourth, answer the question " ford stated

" didnt felt to bother him " fourth said while looking away at the window

" did he ever told you that you were bothering him? " now ford kinda look mad.

" can you stop stalk about this?" Fourth was irritating by the questions ford asked

" why? " ford looked at him on the face. But fourth didnt wanted to answer so instead he spoke to mark

" mark please make your boyfriend shut up..he's getting on my nerves " then fourth looked away

" dont be stubborn fourth!! " ford nagged him the whole ride to the uni but fourth just acted deaf.



[ at the uni ]

Fourth went straight to his class skipping the breakfast with other friends. He didnt wanted to meet gemini. Fourth said he dont really hungry and he ate at the home. But ford did not force fourth to come with him. He just nodded and left with mark to have breakfast with others.

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