Chapter 17

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Author's POV

" BABY!! "
Gemini shouted while running after fourth but looks like he wont stop so gemini had to chase his baby untill the restroom that fourth entered in a flash of light.

When gemini enter the room he saw fourth throwing up. Immediately gemini ran to his love and started to pat his back rubbing circles with his palm to get him easygoing. Eventually vomiting stopped and fourth fell on the ground sitting like a lifeless person. Gemini hugged fourth asking him what happened but fourth didnt utter any word but froze on his place. He had no energy left in his body to talk. Fourth been eating less because he was feeling this sick feeling. Now he was so weak that cant even stand on his own legs.

Gemini lifted fourth on bridal style and returned to the room where the other guys in because he didnt wanted to worry the parents from the both sides taking more time. When he get there everyone stood from their seats abruptly. Fourth's parents and milk ran toward gemini

" oh my god my baby!! What happened " ratjanee exclaimed right after she saw her baby

" I dont really know mae, We should  get him to the hospital " gemini was breathing heavily. He was confused what happened to his love. 

Then everyone left the restaurant to bring fourth to hospital. Gemini told his parents to go home but photjanee didnt like the idea like how can she go home after seeing her future son in law in that state. She loves fourth so much that she was crying a mess.

Ride to the hospital was chaotic. Fourth's mother went insane that she even had a panic attack. Milk was trying so hard to get her mom calm down but no. And not to mention gemini got questioned by fourth's dad and his own parents asking what happened to fourth really. Even gemini him self didnt knew what really happened to his love

Fourth is sleeping soundly due to the exhaust. He was super weak and boy looked thinner but why no one notice him? Ofcourse fourth being a stubborn ass and hid everything. He was wearing all baggy clothes and lied he always ate when someone ask him if he ate or not. Gemini didnt wanted to let go of fourth body untill they reach to the hospital. Gemini was feeling frustrated and guilty not noticing his love's condition. Actually gemini felt something off with fourth because latter always tells gemini that hes tired and want to sleep whenever gem call fourth for the chekingup. Fourth is never a person to cut the call first telling hes tired and sleepy. Fourth was the one who keeping gemini from cutting the call talking hours with his boy.

[ at the hospital ]

Doctors checked fourth immediately as soon as he got to the hospital. Gemini's dad is one of the shareholders in this hospital so it was easy for him to make a call and tell that hes gonna bring a patient and check the person instantly.

Everyone was patiently waiting at the waiting area while fourth inside the room with gemini and fourth dad dew. Doctor said that fourth need some tests so they had to wait for while. They even gave fourth some injections to cure the nausea he was feeling.

After 2 and half hours of  waiting doctor came to outside of his office holding some reports.

" can I talk to khun Nattwat's guardian "

Mae ratjanee stood from her seat to talk to the doctor but gemini held her hand and said " mae rest a bit na..I'll go talk with the doctor. " then dew nodded at him. Dew was feeling anxious about his son and his wife. Hw thought to let gemini handle the matter. When gemini was about to enter the office walking behind the doctor but he was stopped by his mom.

" mae what are you doing? "

" gem can I come too? I  wanna know about fourthie's condition " she was half pleading to her son. Then gemini nodded at his ma. Then both of them enterd the office greeting the doctor.

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