Melanie's POV

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I dust here, conceal there, contour the cheeks, I do so much to where my hand hurts. The production, Bye Bye Birdy, was going on at the theatre. Hell week had taken its toll. Actors on the edge of breakdowns, set crew gossiping about the actors, and pure ciaos all around. There is always pressure on everybody, but crew more than actors. The cast doesn't fully understand that without us, this play would look like shit. No props, no sets, no costumes and makeup, nothing but their over rated words. They complain that "they don't want to wear this" and "I dont like this". It makes me want to "accidentally" stab their eye while doing mascara.

The only actor who isn't an ass is Mindy. She's mainly hanging out with us due to the fact Allison Ricker stole the part Rosie from her, even though her audition was by far better.

"Daniel hold still!" I half yelled at Daniel, a man who is against makeup because of his fear of being "gay".

"I can't help it! I didn't sign up to be a barbie doll in this play." he complained, messing me up on the blush as he talked.

"You actually signed a contract so stop being such a douche" Theta piped in. Theta did all of the animals, (If any), and any other kind of special effect makeup.

I couldn't help but smile. All these people did sign contracts saying they would undergo any costume or makeup work need be. Daniel sighed and closed his eyes, tapping his foot with impatience. I finally finished with a flick of my brush, accenting his angry eyes with the perfect shade of gray on his eye bone.

"You're done." I said blantantly, happy to get him out of my work space. He abruptly stood up and walked out. "You're welcome dipshit." I mumbled. Theta snickered and helped me clean my brushes.

Once act two rolled around, Mindy walked back and plopped in the chair. "Help this" she whined, pointing at her face.

I chuckled and plucked some of the brushes off the counter. "Sweaty under all those canlights huh?" I asked, already knowing the answer.

"Yes! It's like being in an oven slow roasting." she complained, fanning her face.

"Your makeup isn't as smeared and runny as I thought it may be, so I'll do whatever I can to make it less caked on." I surveyed her face to see where the sweat had been poking through. Little beads had come through under her eyes and around her temple. I quickly dabbed it away, patting more foundation and finishing powder on. Her eyes had smudged, to be expected if she were to rub them or try to wipe away sweat. I sighed as I finished, unsatisfied with the outcome.

"Theta? Can you help me with her eyes. I fucked up on 'em" I asked, my brows creased with why it looked wrong and why I couldn't find out why.

"Sure. You just didn't do the contouring around the corners, making it look a little 2D." She effortlessly blended and added shape, erasing the mistake I made.

"Thanks. Mindy you're free to go." I said, waving my hand in a shooing motion.

"I'm going, I'm going." She exclaimed, yanking herself up and walking back to her position backstage.

I walked over to the sink, rubbing the makeup out of the brushes. I hated a dirty workspace, and Theta couldn't care less. Her station tossed like a damn salad, with sponges here, face paint there. My station had to be in order or else I would be so frazzled and lost while doing makeup.

About fifteen minutes later, a stage crew member reminded us that we were on the final scene. We get bows too, but we aren't seen as the most important. Theta, other makeup artists, and I shuffled backstage. Waiting for our cue, a set person knocked over a set, causing the wood to snap and the audience to momentarily stop clapping.

"Somebody's getting fired" Theta whispered to me. I laughed, trying to keep it quiet. Finally our cue came and we went into center stage and bowed. The entire time, I alternated between smiling at the audience, and glaring at Daniel.

The curtains closed, and everybody was running around and hugging, happy to have completed the play. I glanced toward the broken set to see a girl holding back her tears as Director Ambi screamed at her. Ouch.

Everyone walked out, me going to the makeup room to gather my crap. I plucked my phone up to see all of this commotion on twitter. Everybody was talking about Bian, Bella and Ian. Eh, whatever. I tossed my phone into my bag, and continued to clean the counters. I'm pretty sure that tonight will be the best I've ever slept.


I personally thought this was the best chapter. I got this wave of creativity while talking to one of my friends. He's interested in movies and what not so its always good to get a second opinion. Hopefully you enjoyed this chapter because I updated twice in one day holy shit its a miracle. See you in the next chapter! 

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