C14 || Pepper Potts: CEO {1/4}

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[Tony's voice can be heard at the press conference from the last scene in Iron Man.]

TONY STARK (V.O.): Been a while since I was up here in front of you. Maybe I’ll do us all a favour and just stick to the cards.

"And you didn't stick to the cards." Fury said.

"Are you never going to let that go?" Tony asked.

TONY STARK: There’s been some speculation that I was somehow involved in the events that occurred on the freeway and on the rooftop…

CHRISTINE EVERHART (V.O.): Sorry, Mr. Stark, do you honestly expect us to believe that that was a bodyguard in a suit that conveniently appeared despite the fact that you sorely despise bodyguards?


[The large city appeared onscreen as snow falls down. "MOSCOW" appears at the bottom of the screen.]

"This is going where I thought it was going." Tony sighed.

CHRISTINE EVERHART (V.O.): And this mysterious bodyguard was somehow equipped with an undisclosed Stark high-tech powered battle…

TONY STARK (V.O.): I know that it’s confusing. It is one thing to question the official story and another thing entirely to make wild accusations, or insinuate that I’m a superhero.

[A TV screen with bad quality, with Tony's press conference playing on the screen. The rest of the home is revealed just as bad quality as the TV, with a cockatoo sitting on it's perch in the background. A man speaking in Russian from the TV translates what was being said.]

TONY STARK (on TV): I mean, let’s face it, I’m not the heroic type. A laundry list of character defects, all the mistakes I’ve made, largely public. The truth is…

[The scene switches to an elderly man watching the conference, looking very sick, before cutting back to the TV.]

"Is that Anton Vanko?" Howard asked.

"Yes, that's Anton Vanko." Tony said, bitterly. Howard's mistakes with Anton cause what seemed like a blood feud between the Starks and Vankos. Or at least that's what Ivan believed.

TONY STARK: I am Iron Man. [When Tony said, "I am Iron Man," the reporters all stood up and began asking a ton of questions.]

ANTON VANKO [Russian]: Ivan. Ivan.

[A better look of the dark bedroom is given, before another man turned his head, enters the room, hears coughing, and sits at the elderly man's bedside.]

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