How you meet

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Steve: You were walking home alone on way from a friend's house, when something hit your back. You turned around and saw your ex and his new girlfriend laughing at you. They even started to call you names. You were on the verge of crying when someone spoke to them. "Why don't you pick in someone your own size?"

Your ex said "Sure. Come over here and I will." So the guy walked over and punched him in the face and your ex and his girl ran away. Then the mystery man walked over to you.

"Hi. I'm Steve. Steve Rogers."

"Hi. I'm (Y/F/N). (Y/F/N) (Y/L/N)."

Thor: You were waiting on line at Dunkin Donuts. Your were just about to order when some big jerk cut in front of you. "Excuse me. I was here first." You say.

The man turned around and wouldn't stop starring at you. You wouldn't stop staring either. He was just so big and he dressed really weird. He had a cape and a hammer. He finally broke the silence by saying "I am very sorry m'lady. I do not mean for you to lose you place in line."

He walked behind you and you were still starring. He was just so cute and a gentleman.

After you stopped starring you got your drink and a donut and walked out only to be tapped on the shoulder by the man before.

"I appologize miss, but you seemed to have dropped this."

He handed you your credit card that you dropped instead of putting on your pocket. "Thankyou" You say.

"My name is Thor."

"Nice to meet you Thor my name is (Y/N)."

"Nice to meet you too Lady (Y/N)."

Clint: You were teaching an archery class. You were done for the day, when a man walked passed you. You noticed that he had a bow and arrows. You followed him and when he spotted you, you hid behind a door.
"Can I help you?" He asked.

"'s just....I saw your bow and I thought it was cool." You tried so hard to get the words out as you kept looking at his beautiful weapon.

"Your into archery?"

"Yes. I love it and I even teach a class here."

"Well I hope to see you around here again then. My name's Clint Barton."

"My name's (Y/N)."

As he walked away you kept your eyes on his bow. It was the most beautiful thing you've ever seen. That is until you saw his face when he turned around and gave you smile.

Bruce: You were such a science geek. You had beakers and viles and papers all over your lab. You liked to try new experiments. You were working in your lab when a very shy Bruce Banner came in. You've seen him around before, but you've never actually met. He walked over to you asked you for a beaker.

"Do you have a beaker that I could use?"

"I'm sorry. They're all full at the moment, but I'll be done in about five minutes if you want to wait." You say.


He was watching you work and had the most amazed expression on his face. The two of you started talking about what exactly it was that you were doing and he was just so interested. When you were done you gave a beaker that you cleaned out.

"Thankyou Dr. (Y/L/N)."

"Please call me (Y/F/N)."

"Then please me Bruce."

He left your lab with a smile and you went on with your daily routine still smiling as well.

Tony: You were at a party and sat at the bar. Of course it was Tony Stark party, which you love, and you only ever came because you wanted to see him. Today was your lucky day. He walked to bar and sat in the seat next to you.

"Beer please make it snappy."

There goes Tony as sassy as ever and you couldn't help but make a little giggle. It definitely caught his attention. He kept looking at you and you at him.

It's been a good five minutes and you were both still starring at each other. He was the one to break the silence.

"What's your name cutie?"

"(Y/N)" You say.

Loki: You are an agent for S.H.I.E.L.D and the Avengers have just brought in Thor's brother Loki. You wanted to see what all the fuss was about so you went to were he was contained and you both met each other's eyes.

"What is your name?" He said not talking his eyes off you.

You continued to look into his beautiful green eyes and spoke not leaving them. They were so memorizing. It was like they had you in a trance and you didn't want to look away.

"(Y/N)" You say.

Pietro: It is five in the morning and you were running the track of the middle school you live down the street from. There weren't many people around so it was perfect. At least you though so until someone zoomed past you. The only thing you saw was a trail of blue.

You were tired and went to the bench and got a drink of water. The blue trail was around you againakong you spill the water all over your shirt.

"I'm so sorry miss. I didn't mean to do that." The blue trail vanished revealing a man who you thought was so cute.

"Don't worry about it. It's fine."

"I'm Pietro Maximoff."

"I'm (Y/F/N) (Y/L/N)." His accent was just so adorable and his eyes and his hair. He just made you feel so many emotions.

*Hope you guys enjoyed the first part. I hope you guys read my other books as well and of course please vote and comment any preferences you want, more updates soon.*

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