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A/N: Just a quick thing before you get into the chapter. I changed Hank's story a bit. I made him still human with big feet when you meet and then after that he becomes the beast, so its basically like beginning of X-Men First Class is this story here. Okay enjoy. 

How you meet: You were a mutant recruited by Professor X and you were also a big fan of science and technology. When the professor showed you around you begged him to show you the lab and when he did the first thing you noticed was a man huddled in a corner working on an experiment. 

"Hank, will you come over here please?" Charles asked the man.

The man who you found out was named Hank walked over to you an Charles and said hello. After Charles introduced you both to each other Hank shook your hand and smiled as he looked into your eyes. It was at that moment that you knew you had to become friends with Hank. 

He asks you out: You and Hank had become best friends within a few weeks of meeting each other. You were currently in the lab watching Hank work on yet another experiment for himself when he turned toward you and said your name and smiled. 

"Yes Hank?"

"If this doesn't work and I'm still well this." He said pointing to his feet. "If this doesn't work would you give up on me and stop being my friend."

"I'm your friend because you're you. If this experiment doesn't work I'm still going to be your friend. I'm always going to be your friend."

Hank poured the potion on his feet and was relieved when his feet became normal human sized, but then they grew again and turned blue and hairy and so did he. He ran from you to the corner of the lab because he didn't want you to see him. 

You went over to him and sat in front of him. His head was down with his legs to his chest and sounded like he was crying. You cupped his face and wiped away his tears. Then you did the one thing he wanted to do since he met you. You kissed him. 

"Hank, it doesn't matter what you look like. I think you're perfect just like this. It's the real you and I love the real you."

"(Y/N), will you go on a date with me?"

"Took you long enough." You said smiling. 

First Date: Hank asked Jean and Storm to help with the date because they were your best friends and knew what you would like. They helped set up a nice candlelight dinner under the stars. During dinner you laughed and smiled and had the best time of your life. After dinner he walked you to your room and kissed you goodnight. You couldn't even go to sleep so you snuck into Jean's room and called Storm and the three of you talked the whole night about the date. You really wanted a second one and then a third and eventually you stopped counting how many dates you had, but you didn't care. You love him.  

Favorite TV Show you watch together: Sirens. You love them because well you are one and although may be some stereotypes you enjoy it nonetheless. 

Favorite movie you watch together: Harry Potter series. He absolutely loves Harry Potter. 

His name in your phone: Beasty

Your name in his phone: Beauty

Songs: His for you: You're Beautiful - James Blunt

Yours for him: Stand By You - Rachel Platten

The pet he gets you: A tiny fluffy puppy named Snuffles

He takes you to an amusement park: He only goes for the games because he wants to win you a stuffed animal and he wants one for Snuffles too. 

How he likes your hair: He loves it when your hair is in a messy bun. It makes you more beautiful. 

Where your hands are when you hug and kiss: Your hands are around his waist and his are around yours. 

Where he likes to kiss you: He loves to kiss your nose. Don't ask why, he doesn't know either. 

The kind of boyfriend he is: He is the clumsy boyfriend who tries to be romantic, but eventually trips on something and it results in you both laughing and forgetting about what you were doing. 

He watches the movie or TV show he's in: Warm Bodies. He was a zombie and he still questions how he was able to pull it off. 

Your best friend: Jean and Storm

How you sleep: He's the big spoon and you're the little spoon.

Celebrity crush your jealous of: Bryana Holly

Celebrity crush he's jealous of: Lucas Till

You wear something of his: His lab coat. He thinks you look sexy. 

Couple Items: He took you to Disney for an anniversary and you got Mickey and Minnie ears. 

His favorite thing about you: He loves your laugh. He thinks it's the greatest thing in the world. 

You get sick: When you get sick he does everything he can to make you comfortable and happy. It gets to the point where you find him annoying and tell him to let you sleep alone for a few hours and when you wake up he's there right next to you staring at you like a creep and it nearly gives you a heart attack, but then you both start laughing about it and you feel better than you did before. 

Your ex: Havok (Alex Summers)

His ex: Mystique 

Valentines Day: He tried and tried and tried to be romantic and this day perfect and boy did he mess up. First it was dinner. He wanted to cook for you, but ended up burning everything nearly burning down your apartment. Then when dinner didn't work he tried to order a pizza not realizing he didn't have enough for a tip. Luckily though you showed up to a house with sauce everywhere, charred food, and a pizza delivery man who looked really mad because Hank wouldn't let him leave until you came to give him a tip. You gave him the tip and apologized to him after he walked out the door. Then you turned to Hank with an angry face which didn't last long because you couldn't stop laughing. He looked sad because he messed up valentines day, but you said that it was a great day because you got to spend it with him. 

He Proposes: It was actually during Valentines day after he thought he ruined everything. You both were currently sitting on the couch watching TV and a commercial for Kay Jewelers came on and showed people with engagement rings. Hank got up from the couch and walked over to the coat closet. You couldn't see what he was doing, but you could tell that he grabbed something from his coat pocket. He walked over with his hands behind his back and sat back down on the couch. He sat down just in time before the commercial ended showed you the ring and said "Marry Me." You simply took the ring, put it on your finger and kissed him as soon as the jingle came on "every kiss begins with Kay" and when you looked at him you called him cheesy and kissed him again. 

A/N: Hey guys. Sorry if this sucks and that it took so long to write. I'm still not over losing my friend. It's only been a month and I'm not over it because I'm still mad at him. He took his own life and I'm still mad at him. I know why he did it, but he didn't have to. I trust you guys enough and I feel like you guys know me enough so that I can tell you that have depression and he did too. He let it take over and I'm trying really hard to not let mine take over. I'm okay though and I just want to thank all of you for sticking with this book and sticking with me. You guys are why I'm still here, why I'm still writing and I love it. I have two people left to write and they are Logan Howlett and T'Challa. Once I'm done with them I'm doing the wedding series for them and then it's back to regular preferences. I don't know when I'm going to update next, but if you guys want to see what I'm up too, or chat with me then I will put my social medias after this note. I love you guys so much and if I could I would personally hug all of you and tell you each how you mean to me. Thank you again. 

Social Medias:

Twitter - ClaryssaMills1

Instagram - claryssa184

Snapchat - claryssa183

YouTube - Claryssa Mills

Avengers Preferencesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें