You get sick

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Steve: When you're sick he makes you lay in bed. He turns on the TV for you and he tucks you in. Whenever he need something he's the one to get it for you. He caters to your every will.Then he will lay in bed with and you two cuddle and watch movies all day.

Thor: He doesn't like it. He never liked being sick as a child so he doesn't like seeing you sick either. He will however do whatever you say. If you want him to leave you alone he does, if you want him to stay with you he will. 

Clint: He always calls Natasha and asks her to watch you. He doesn't like being around sick people. He doesn't like avoiding you, but he just doesn't want to get sick. 

Bruce: He tries not to leave you alone, but he's also trying to work. He'll get you whatever you need as long as there is a distance between you and the thing you want. Like if the TV remote is right next to you, but you're to lazy to get it, he won't do it for you.

Tony: He stays in his lab until you start feeling better, but if you really need something, then he'll wear a mask.

Loki: He was always sick as child. So he used the same remedies his mother used and you felt better within a few days. 

Pietro: Same as Clint. He would call Wanda and leave you two together. 

Bucky: He would do whatever you asked, but when you wanted to be left alone he would feel really bad because he wants to help, but he also wants to do whatever it takes to make you feel better.

I'm back babies. More preferences all week so don't worry. Also regarding the fanfic Harry Potter is in the lead so I decided that, that's the one I'm going to do. If you want to know the characters, years, and relationships then let me know. Bye Bye.

-  ;) Claryssa

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