Valentines Day

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Steve: He takes you out to dinner to celebrate. It was your favorite restaurant. There was music, candles, and you ate outside so that you could see the stars. After dinner you guys had dessert. Then once you were both done Steve grabbed your hand and brought you over to the side of the balcony. You were confused yet excited...until you saw what Steve did. He had fireworks that said 'I love you'.

Thor: He's confused about it. Asgard doesn't have valentines day, but he tries and makes an effort. He'll spend the day with you and he'll buy you chocolate and flowers and he'll tell you he loves you.

Clint: He makes you dinner and then after he gives you a present. It's an arrow necklace. You put it on and you spend the rest of the night cuddling on the couch watching romantic movies. 

Bruce: He wants to show you how much he loves you. Throughout the day he's in his lab, but at night he belongs to you. He'll do everything you ask him to do and he gets really cuddly and clingy. 

Tony: He takes you out for dinner. Then when you get home he drags you do the bedroom and things get hot and sweaty.   ;)

Loki: He doesn't understand either. He's not like Thor though. He says that he hates it (which he does) so you don't even bother, but he'll old you close and whisper in your ear that he loves you.

Pietro: You get flowers and Pietro to yourself. You cuddle, kiss, hug, and he'll chase you around the house. That's the only time he doesn't use his speed.

Bucky: He's very romantic just like Steve. The only difference is that after dinner and dessert there weren't any fireworks. It was just you and him and your bodies against each other.

A/N: I just wanted to say that THE CAPTAIN AMERICA: CIVIL WAR SUPERBOWL TRAILER WAS AAAAMMMMAAAAZZZIIINNNGGGG!!!!!! OMG I am definitely TEAM CAP! without a doubt. Who else is #TeamCap?  


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