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How you meet: You are a fellow mutant with the power to control the four elements and you are also a teacher at Professor X's school. One day while you were teaching a class he passed by and had a look of surprise because he had never seen you before. So when your class ended he walked up to you and introduced himself. After that day it was almost like he was stalking you. He was outside all of your classes everyday. He followed you around. He pretended he wasn't listening to your conversations and he pretended he wasn't looking at you when you looked his  way. Finally after you've had enough you confronted him and asked him what he was doing. 

He asks you out: "I'm sorry, am I making you uncomfortable?" 

"Yes, Logan you are. Why do you keep following me and waiting outside my classroom?"

"Well...I...um...I - I wanted to make sure you were okay."

"Why? Nothing happened."

"Okay. I really just wanted to see if you wanted to grab a drink with me?"

"You could've just asked me when you met me." You said with a smile. "Yes, I would love to go out with you."

First Date: He took you to the nearest bar and bought your drink. After a couple of drinks and sharing stories, you wanted to dance, but you had to force him onto the dance floor. Let's just say that when you got him to dance you were already embarrassed. He doesn't have the best moves. You did however have a great time and needless to say this date turned into many more. 

Favorite TV show you watch together: Animal Kingdom. He loves watching the Cody Family get away with robberies and such. 

Favorite movie you watch together: DDDDDDDEEEEEAAAADDDDDPPPPOOOOLLLLL!!!!! That movie is Hilarious.

His name in your phone: Wolvy <3

Your name in his phone: Her <3

Songs: His for you: You're Beautiful - James Blunt 

Yours for him: Stand By You - Rachel Platten

The pet he gets you: He got you a bird and you named her Tweety.

He takes you to an amusement park: You don't really like to go on any rides except the ferris wheel, but when he begs you to go on a big roller coaster of course you say yes.

How he likes your hair: He likes your hair the way you like it. He doesn't have a preference.

Where your hands are when you hug and kiss: Yours are around his waist and his are around your waist.

Where he likes to kiss you: He loves and I mean loves to kiss the crook of your neck.

The kind of boyfriend he is: The overprotective one. If another guy even looks at you he gets all "I'll kill you" on them.

He watches the movie or TV show he's in: The Greatest Showman. God that was such a good musical. You never knew he could sing. However after you watched that one he showed you Les Mis and you fell more in love with him.

Your best friend: Hank

How you sleep: You sleep with your head on his chest.

Celebrity crush your jealous of: Famke Janssen

Celebrity crush he's jealous of: James Marsden

You wear something of his: You like to wear his jacket.

Couple Items: You have Mickey and Minnie T-shirts.

His favorite thing about you: He absolutely loves your laugh. Its like the most precious thing in the world.

You get sick: He never and I mean never leaves you alone. He thinks a common cold is gonna kill you. So yea, he never leaves you alone.

Your ex: Some random guy

His ex: Some random woman

Valentines Day: Hes not into it. All he wants to do is sit around and watch movies all day so you compromised and watched romance movies.

He proposes: He had literally everyone at the school help him. He had Jean and Storm keep you away from the school for the day so he that could work on the proposal. When it was time for you to arrive you were blown away. He has roses on the grass and kids singing and people already crying and when he got down on one knee and asked you that one amazing question. You could not stop crying.

What's up everybody. I'm back again.
I have one more part and then the wedding series and then everything is back to regular preferences. Also I am in the process of writing another book. It will be a Teen Romance story. I dont have a title or a cover yet, but let me know if you guys would like a preview. Also if there are any errors in this chapter I apologize because I did this on my phone while I was out and about with my mom. Peace out my lovelys. Xoxoxo

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