Imagine- Thor

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This is for my very very very best friend @lameohameoo so here you go and I hope you love it.

You were finally in Asgard. You've wanted to see it ever since Thor told you about it.

You've already met a lot of Thor's friends. Heimdall, Sif, and the Warriors Three. You anxious to meet Thor's parents.

He walked you into the palace and standing there right in front of you were his parents. Frigga and Odin. You were so excited.

Frigga started looking at your outfit and you realized that you weren't dressed appropriately.

"Thor why is she dressed like that."

"I'm sorry. I didn't know what to wear."

Frigga took you to her room and gave a dress and shoes to wear. "Try these my dear."

"Thank-you Frigga."

"My son seems very happy to be with you."

"I'm glad he's happy."

As you were talking you started to complain about the dress. You don't like dresses, but Frigga made you wear it and there was no getting our of it.

When you were finished getting ready you and Frigga walked into the dinning area. Odin and Thor were already at the table and Thor couldn't keep his eyes off you.

"Is she not so beautiful father?"

"She is, but not as beautiful as your mother."

Then as you sat down Loki joined the party. He sat down next to Frigga and kept staring at you. It made you feel uncomfortable.

When dinner was over you were on your way to Thor's room, but you could sense that you were being followed. When you turned around you saw Loki.

"I'm sorry if I scared you m'lady."

"No, I...its fine."

"Well then Lady Aileen would you like to take a walk with me."

"Sorry I can't, I'm supposed to meet Thor."

You left Loki, but you still felt like he was following you.

When you get to Thor's room he sees that you're upset. He walks over to you and asks you what's wrong. You tell him about Loki and he get and look of anger.

You and Thor left the room and went to Loki's. He was there sitting on his bed and the moment he saw you, he stood up and smiled. Thor was still angry and he told Loki to back off.

Loki ignored him and made his way to you, but Thor got in the way. He stood between you and Loki and he did the unimaginable. Thor punched Loki.

They continued to fight. You soon realized that the fight was about you. You didn't know what to do, so you just pushed yourself between them hoping that they would stop.

"Stop....please just stop fighting!" You say.

When they stop you go to Thor and make sure he's okay. He says he's fine and then you start talking to both of them.

"You can't just start fighting over me. Loki I chose Thor and if your not okay with it, then oh well. Thor he's your brother, just talk to him instead of fighting. I came here hoping that your family would like me, but now I just want to go home."

Thor saw that you were sad and took you home. He wanted to leave you alone for a while, but you wanted him to stay. He sat on the couch and you layed down on his lap and fell asleep.

OMG Im so freaking sorry if it's bad. I tried, but if it's bad I understand. You are my best friend and I didn't want this to be bad.

Also to the readers, I'm sorry if it's bad.

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