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How you meet: Believe it or not, but you guys met during civil war. He was on Tony's side and you were on Steve's. He saw your abilities and though that you were the most beautiful and precious thing he had ever seen in his entire life. 

He asks you out: After the "war" between Steve and Tony nothing was ever the same. Before T'Challa left for Wakanda he wanted to see you again. You were currently on the run, but somehow he found you. You had a feeling it was Nat because she was with you and knew that you liked him. You were in a coffee shop drinking (y/f/d) when he walked in. You noticed him before he even sat down and you both smiled at each other. 

"May I join you?" he asks.

"Of course." you say.

You both treated this as a date and it went very very well. It went so well that when he offered to bring you to Wakanda for your safety, you agreed. 

First Date: Instead of it being your first date, it's your first time in Wakanda. You instantly fell in love with the country and the people in it. You didn't want to leave, but you also didn't want to leave your friends and family behind. But you couldn't go back. You were a criminal and so were they. 

Favorite TV show you watch together: Modern Family. Shuri programmed your phone to have unlimited service wherever you go. So you and T'Challa will watch TV on it and he absolutely loves Modern Family. It's a funny show. 

Favorite movie you watch together: The Greatest Showman. His favorite song is "This is Me".

His name in your phone: My King

Your name in his phone: My Queen

Songs: His for you: Accidentally In Love by Counting Crows

Yours for him: I'll Always Remember Us This Way by Lady Gaga (A Star Is Born)

The pet he gets you: He got you a rhino. (They're cute, don't @ me).

He takes you to an amusement park: Wakanda doesn't have any amusement parks so he just took you to a beautiful waterfall and you went swimming. 

How he likes your hair: He likes it when your hair is braided. 

Where your hands are when you hug and kiss: Your hands are on his cheeks and his are spread on your back. One is on your upper back and the other is on your lower back. (I see it how it is on TV. It doesn't make sense when I describe it). 

Where he likes to kiss you: He likes to kiss you on your forehead because its sweet and it makes you blush.

The kind of boyfriend he is: He is the protective and fun boyfriend. 

He watches the movie or TV show he's in: 42. Who doesn't love Jackie Robinson. His journey is incredible. 

Your best friend: Shuri

How you sleep: He has his arm around your waist and your head is on his chest. 

Celebrity crush your jealous of: Lupita Nyong'o

Celebrity crush he's jealous of: Michael B. Jordan

You wear something of his: You tried putting on his necklace once, but he stopped you before you could because he didn't want you to hurt yourself. 

Couple Items: He has a black bracelet and you have a white one. His says king and yours says queen. 

His favorite thing about you: He loves how kind you are to his people. They instantly welcomed you and you loved it. They are all your friends. 

You get sick: When you get sick he makes sure that you stay in bed. He forbids you from leaving and has people stationed at your door to make sure you don't leave. He will send his mom and his sister to you to make you feel better. 

Your ex: Sam

His ex: Nakia

Valentines Day: He took you to the waterfall and had a picnic set up. The sun was shining and the water was glistening. It was truly the perfect day. He had your favorite food, flowers, and despite his kingly duties he spent the entire day with you. 

He proposes: (This goes with Valentines day). When he gave you the flowers you couldn't help but to smell them. When you brought them to your site you saw something shine in the sunlight. He took the flowers and took out the object. Then he showed you what it was and you instantly cried. It was a beautiful engagement ring. He told you that he wanted you to be his queen and you practically jumped on him and could not stop kissing his face. When you finally stopped he took your hand and put the ring on your finger. 

A/N: Heeeeyyyyyy guys. I'm back babies. Did you miss me? I'm sorry if this chapter sucks, but don't worry things will get better. Also I am not ending this book and I don't plan on it anytime soon. So, with that being said I have an announcement to make. I have a new book. It is called A Wolf's Tale and the first chapter is published. As for this book, I still have the wedding series going on and then I am planning to do a pregnancy series (except for Peter, unless I make him older). Anyway, I will be updating both books twice a week starting today. This book will be updated every Monday and Tuesday and the other one will be updated every Friday and Saturday. If I happen to miss a day, then I will update on Sunday. Hope you enjoy. 

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