First Date

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Steve: You went out for ice cream. He loves how you get different flavors everytime you go to get more and how you get sad when your done with your delicious cone of heaven.

Thor: He decided to make you a nice home cooked meal at your house. You love how he's tries so hard to make the food good, but it always ends up overcooked or under cooked. So you end up calling for pizza instead.

Clint: You went hiking. He just loves the sound of nature and he always hopes to see a hawk nest or one flying around since his name is hawkeye and he loves hawks.

Bruce: He took you to the museum of natural history. He loves it when you get so interested in history and the way your eyes light up when you see the bones of dinosaurs and the other animals.

Tony: You went on a coffee date. He wanted to get to know you and figured that a party wouldn't be the best way to do that. So he went for the next best thing.

Loki: He ended up going back to Asgard, but he tricked you into going with him. He said that he wanted to show you a whole new world. You wanted to stay on earth, but well you were tricked.

Pietro: You went to an amusement park. You love going on roller coasters, but he's never been on one before so you made him. When you got off he was in the bathroom throwing up and kept saying that he would never do it again. It's kinda funny really, you would think that someone who's faster than them would love them, but nope.

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