Chapter 18: Making Up

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It has been about a week since the fight. I would like to say everything is back to normal but it's not. Although Sam has apologies to me I am struggling to be buddy buddy with him. I felt so close and connect to him first. He was the person that I wanted to go to about my problems and out of all my brothers I felt like he was the one I always wanted to talk to. But after what he said I can't look at him the same. I kind of feel alone now. Jere and Wes were attached at the hip so it felt like I was third wheeling. They were always nice and tried to include me but it just didn't feel the same.

We had all just gotten home from school and I went to my room to do my homework. I hadn't been going to the library because I didn't want to be around Sam. I flipped my TV on and found a movie on Disney plus to watch as I worked. I had a big English paper due next week and I wanted to get it out of the way now. As I was working on it I heard a knock on my door.

"Come in." I yell without looking up. I hear the door open and footsteps walk into my room. I can feel who every it was standing behind reading over my shoulder for a minute.

"This is why I teach math. I would hate to grade that." Reuben said.

"Why is it bad?" I finally take my focus away from the computer and turn to look at him.

He shock his head as he backed up to sit on my bed. "No no it's not that. From the little bit I read it sounded very good and like you understand the topic you're arguing very well. However you're on page two and it doesn't sound like you're even close to done. I would hate to have to read a hundred and fifty of those. I would hate to have to read the ones that are really bad too. I don't know how English teachers do it. I feel like after reading about twenty I would throw in the towel and just give everyone an A."

I laugh a little "I guess we should ask Logan how he does it."

"We should." He chuckles. "Speaking of brothers when are you going to talk to Sam again?"

That throw me off guard but it really shouldn't surprise me. Reuben was always the one to get straight to the point and not tip toe around it. "I don't know."

"Well he looks pitiful always sulking around. Plus our family dinner is so awkward now." Reuben sighed.

"He said some pretty mean things Ru."

"I know sweetie but he is family. Plus I can tell it bugs you more not to talk to him then what happened." Reuben said and I sighed. He was right, I was miserable I missed my best friend.

"It's just hard I feel like I have no one now."

"What do you mean sweetie? You have seven brothers I figured you would feel like you had to many people around after being on your own or just around the Smiths."

"I mean that's true but everyone pairs up here. Ben and Bruce, you and Logan, Jere and Wes. You all are partners in crime. Sam was mine and now he's gone." I didn't realize it hurt this much until I said it. I felt the tears well up and pour over.

"Aw sweetie he's not gone he's down stair just as miserable as you if not more. I haven't seen him mope around this much since Mom took you away. He was young but you two have always been attacked at the hip since the day you were born. He cried every night because Dad wouldn't let you sleep with him. It was kind of cute he would swear he would be extra careful in his sleep and not smush you. However Dad always said it wasn't safe. Sometimes we would find him in the morning laying on the floor in your nursery. He said he always wanted a baby sister and when he found out Jere and Wes were boys he cried. It was so cute, he said he was sick of brothers. You had us all wrapped around your finger when you were born but for Sam it was different. Go talk to him it won't be the same for a while but you have can build back to that. But in order to build a building you have to lay down at least one brick."

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