4|Dead Man

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AS SOON AS that god-forsaken class ends, I beeline it out the door, down the hall, past the staircase, and immediately head for the student parking lot

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AS SOON AS that god-forsaken class ends, I beeline it out the door, down the hall, past the staircase, and immediately head for the student parking lot. If it wasn't bad enough that I had to see her at my own house, now I have to see her at school as well? Unbelievable.

The woman drives me mad. She was going to leave last night and go to a homeless shelter to escape me! Is she really that stubborn? Not to mention she was living off of sandwiches for a straight fucking week! She ate bread for a week! At what point did she reach out to Liam for help? Did she have no food in her stomach before she came here? God, the thought makes me sick.

And today in class, she was shivering from her clothes being soaked. We were seated right beneath the air vent, and it irked me to the core that she was fine sitting there like that while probably catching pneumonia.

So, since she walked here, does that mean she walks home at night, too? Absolutely not. Over my dead body. Downtown LA is not a place for a woman like her to walk around without protection. I highly doubt she carries pepper spray or a Taser.

The girl is too naive. She thinks she's incapable of getting hurt. It's my biggest pet peeve about her. Always positive, always looking on the bright side... She never wants to entertain the possibility that walking downtown at night alone isn't the best option.

Then again, it's not like she has another option. I'm surprised fucking Sam didn't offer her a ride. He seemed friendly enough with her. It's been three years since she and Liam ended things. She was bound to move on at some point.

Slamming the car door shut behind me, I grip the steering wheel of my BMW with white knuckles. There is no reason she should get to me like this. I shouldn't care this much. I shouldn't be thinking about getting her out of this situation. I shouldn't be going to the fucking grocery store between classes of mine to make sure she has food she likes at the house to eat, but here I am, driving to the nearest supermarket like a fool.

Liam's contact pops up on the car's screen monitor to let me know he's calling, so I accept it and heave a sigh. "I fucking hate you," I sneer. "So fucking much."

"That bad, huh?"

"You have no idea. None. Did you know she's been walking home from work at night? Downtown? She had to sell her grandma's car."

"Why do you think I pushed her to move in with you? She was seconds away from going to a homeless shelter. I couldn't let that happen. If I can't be there to watch over her, I trust that you will."

Goddammit. Yet another reason to piss me off today. A constant reminder that Liam will always love her. A reminder that Liam never did anything to hurt her. He was good to her, and I have no right to have dirty thoughts about his ex-girlfriend. Not when Liam is like a brother to me.

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