16|Rainbow Shadows

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EMERY: HI, ROOMIE. Is it okay if I buy this for the house?

As I head out for the rest of my classes, I stare at the picture Emery texted of a rainbow vase. It's something I normally wouldn't choose to contribute to my decor, especially since my house has always been black and white, but a small part of me is happy that I'll be reminded of her every time I walk through the door.

When I look around the lifeless home, I nod in agreement as if she can see it. Aside from her things in the bathroom where she's supposed to keep them, Emery hasn't left a trace of her existence since she's been staying with me. Her fashion magazines are piled high on her dresser rather than the coffee table in the living room, and she never leaves her shoes or coat by the door. For the longest time, she thought I couldn't stand her, but I don't want her to feel like a stranger here. I want this to be her home, too. Well, for the time being. Certainly not permanently.

Being alone has always been what I've longed for. I love having this place to myself. I used to treasure the silence surrounding me as soon as I stepped through the door, but now...

Emery: Rainbow shadows will dance around the living room when the sun hits it! Isn't that so cool?

Emery: I'm going to take your silence as a no. That's okay. I'm supposed to save to get out of there, not buy stupid things while thrifting. Forget I said anything!

Me: Buy the damn vase, Em. It's fine.

Emery: Really? Are you sure?

Me: I wouldn't have said to buy it if I wasn't sure.

Emery: Buying now!

With a sigh, I place my phone on the kitchen counter and wonder what the hell is wrong with me. I know I've been into Emery for years, I'm not that naive to my feelings, but for whatever reason, I thought having sex with her would get her out of my system.

Little did I realize that touching her, being inside her, living with her? I was kidding myself to think I could ever forget her after crossing that boundary. Now I'm forced to continue to play it casually or end the benefits for good, and I'm definitely not ending this. We'll just have to ensure Liam never finds out about our favorite pastime.

The lock clicks on my front door, and I'm starting to think Emery teleported here until my sister Izzy enters with the spare key I gave her. She strides into the room with nothing but confidence, a smug grin on her face as she looks around. She knows Emery has been living with me, and it's like she wanted to catch me in the act with her. "Hello, Everett," she says mischievously. "I was in the neighborhood and wanted to stop by and see you."

I arch a brow. "Really? You work on the opposite side of town on Rodeo Drive. What brings you over here?"

She pops a shoulder. "Do I have to have a reason to see my favorite brother?"

Stuck with the Enemy|18+Where stories live. Discover now