Biggest Day of My Life

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"Do I really HAVE to go to math class?" I whine as Leo and I slowly walk over to the dreaded classroom. He's been attached to me ever since Saturday night. I don't mind, in fact, it's better for me if he sticks by my side. Anytime he's not with me I start to spiral about all the bad things that might happen to him. Maybe I should up my anxiety medication...

Fuck. I still haven't made a Doctor's appointment. I get a birth control injection every three months that stops my cycle and I'll need a new injection soon, I'm also running out of my anxiety meds. I keep forgetting to make an appointment, but every time I remember I get overwhelmed because I don't know how the healthcare system works here.

Would it be the same here? They don't have free healthcare so I think I'd need to pay... Unless my parents have health insurance because of their work... Can I just make an appointment? How long is the wait time?

"Y/n? You okay?" Leo's voice brings me back to reality and out of my head, only for me to see we've made it to the classroom. I really need to up my meds... Or maybe I should see a therapist? No, stop. Not right now. Focus.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just really in my head lately." My voice sounds oddly nervous, since when am I nervous? "I've noticed, are you taking your meds?" Leo asks, voice laced with concern.

"Yeah, but I think I might need to up the prescription. I am on the lowest dose and my life has become a lot more hectic over the last five years... I don't know. Maybe I just need to see a therapist again? What would I even talk about?"

"Are you serious? Dude. You moved across the world, your ex was a cheating ass, you found out you have a twin, you've just kicked off a boxing career which is a big source of income for your family, and anxiety, OCD and depression run in your biological family. Do I really need to keep listing shit?"

Sighing, I grab the door handle to the classroom and open the door, "you're right... I didn't even know about the last one either but it makes a lot of sense. I guess I should probably speak to Kyle about health issues that run in the family. I'll make a list of shit and try my best to get the ball rolling on all of it before September ends."

"You better, you can't keep putting your health on hold because of your agoraphobia." Leo states as we make our way to our seats, I look at him wide-eyed, "How did you know about that?!"

"You avoid literally every situation that could cause panic, helplessness or embarrassment. I had to push you into school on your first day and as much as you tried to play it off I know you were having a panic attack about it. Your nervous fiddling with your hands gives it away. That's also why you hate going to math, you're scared the teacher will call on you. Before you deny it, look at your hands." Leo points to my hands as he says this, proving his point as I am indeed fiddling with them.

And yes, panic attacks aren't just hyperventilation and crying. They come and many different forms and often aren't noticeable.

"Damn... I didn't realise how obvious it was..." I mutter, placing what I need for the lesson on my desk. "It's only obvious to me. In fact, I think you've gotten so good at hiding it that sometimes you don't even realise how bad it is because not even you can see it." I look at Leo, confusion resting on my face, "what do you mean?"

"You're biting your nails." He states plainly, opening his textbook up to the page that's written on the board. I look down at my hands and see I was, in fact, biting my nails. When did I even start biting them? Was it between talking? Am I currently dissociating without realising it?

"You'll be fine Y/n. Just focus on school for now and I'll show you how to book an appointment after school. For both a Medical Doctor and a therapist." Leo smiles sweetly and for a moment I feel at ease. The moment is destroyed when the teacher clears their throat and begins the class.

Not even halfway through the lesson, my phone starts to buzz! I swear I put it on select calls only! "Y/n? Why is your phone not on silent?" The teacher states angrily, all eyes turning to me. Fuck.

"I thought I-" Looking at the number on the screen, I cut off my own sentence. It's Tom's Rhinoplasty. "Holy shit! Holy shit it's my doctor, I need to take this!" Jumping out of my seat I run towards the door almost going ass over tit on three different desks. I'm not very coordinated when I panic.

I hear the teacher shouting something at me but I can't hear it. I swing the door open and quickly shut it behind me, answering the phone as I do. "Hello? This is Mr L/n speaking!" I like to say my gender at the beginning of phone calls, it allows less confusion when people hear my voice.

"Hello Mr L/n, this isn't a bad time is it?" The voice replies, it's a soft voice but I can't pinpoint whether it's masculine or feminine. I don't think I've ever heard a voice so gender-neutral before.

"No, it's fine. What can I do for you?"

"Well, an appointment was just cancelled and you're next on the list. Now typically cancellations happen with more notice as people are fined for cancelling this late. So, if you can't make this appointment that's fine but it's unlikely you'll get another for a while."

"When's the appointment?"

"Now. We need you down here now for the surgery consultation. The doctor will go over what you want and how the surgery will be performed. We'll send you home with forms for you and your parents to sign and then you will bring them with you tomorrow for the surgery. The doctor will write you notes for school so you don't get in trouble for skipping."

Everything feels like it's stopped. As if my life is suddenly in slow motion. Did I hear that correctly? "Did... Did you say now?"

"Yes. Can you get here in fifteen minutes?"

My heart beats slowly in my ears, unable to believe what I've just heard. It only lasts for a second though as my excitement pulls me back with speed I've never felt before. That slow heartbeat, suddenly going a mile a minute.

"Yes! I can be there!" I quickly hang up the phone and run into the classroom, legs running as fast as they can possibly carry me. "I need to leave! I'll give you a doctor's note as soon as I can!" I exclaim, grabbing my shit and bolting to the door. A smile wider than any smile I've ever had planted on my face. Excitement coursing through my veins.

I can't believe this is happening.

The teacher is yelling something at me but I don't care, I pull the door open with vigor and bolt down the halls. Unable to contain my excitement any longer as I run through the halls I yell at the top of my lungs, "I'm finally fucking getting top surgery!"

(Authors Note: Oh how I wish this day would come.)

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