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I say" Sure." And drive fast. No one allows inside as the fire caught all over the building. When we I inform one girl is stuck over there. They say firemen are on the way more 5mins.I see other side of building and climb pipelines and get inside the 3rd floor as Harshita said she is there. I check every room and see her lying down on floor fainted. I go catch her and try to wake her up. Then comes the firemen I wave my hand. They see me and come with a ladder i hold vinu in my arms and her down along with the fire man. We sprinkle water and wake her up.

She then slowly open her eyes and asks ,"Where am I? How I came here?"

Tharani starts shouting at her ," Why do you want to enjoy the warmth over there some more ? Why are you there till you get fainted? Why didn't you come along with them down? Vinu i never say you not to help others but don't risk yourself helping. Why you always don't listen to me and make me tensed."

Vinu smiles and hugs are saying ," It's okay DTS , I'm fine look in front of you. I love you." and kisses her. All smiles seeing their cute bond. Vinu continues ," Don't forget I won't love you forever."

Simran asks," Why not forever?"

Vinu," I will find my love one day , so only un till then I will love her."

Tharani look with terrifying look and pulls Vinu 's ear and says," I will not allow you do that I will be yours and your mine forever. I will warn your lover he if go against my rule."

Vinu asks," So all your anger vent off now."

Tharani hugs and say," When did you make me stay anger for long time."

Vinu says ,"Never and hug her back."

Vinu turns to me and thanks me for saving. I smile and say ," No mention." Harshita and Tharani are asked to go to vinu home though alternate was prepared to all residents. I say them to get in car I will drop . Chandra says bye and gets return. As soon as I drop Vinu and fall on my bed I receive a message from her saying," Hola Gaurav I'm on my way to park . The same park You saw me earlier.


I go fresh up and see whether Tharani and Harshita slept or not . Later I text him

ME: Hola Gaurav I'm now my way to park . The same park You saw me earlier.

GAURAV: Are you okay?

ME: Absolutely Why? What happened to me?

GAURAV: Seriously, you were in fire till now.

ME: How do you know?

GAURAV: Don't forget I am your secret admirer no less than shadow.

ME: Is it? Come let's meet and don't worry I am fine now.

GAURAV: Started.

I thought he would feel bad if I won't come first day , but he knows my condition impressive. I go to park. I see him sitting on the bench with his guitar. We say hi to each other. He shows me how to catch and change strings , few basics. I ask him to play for a while. He says," Only if you sing." He plays note for the song I sing . I enjoy my own song and feel it special and different . His music added some magic to my voice , making it more awful.

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