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Gaurav is in love with some one else. Akhil was right we should not have regrets of not confessing. I must confess but what if the bond now breaks. better to confess without telling that it's him I love. " Gaurav I have a confession which I wanna write in my diary. But I once said , Anything into my diary must pass your ears first. I'm in love with a guy. I realized the unknown bond we share is love but I fear of saying it to him because I don't want to effect the present bond we have. I thought to say it to him but saying it to you is nothing but confessing to him . I have no regrets of not confessing to him cause I shared it with you , My diary. Me and He are not two to me. We are one. Made for one another. I believe it. No matter it's true or not. Truth is not necessary to be believed , and what we believe need not to be true. If we believe it, it's more than a truth." Gaurav listens to me.

I see the post Harshita shared on Instagram. Chandra surprises her as it's valentine's day. I show that to Gaurav and ask," Shall we exchange Valentine's day gift? You even care and love me. Don't you?" Gaurav shocks listening to my words. I then feel ashamed for what I uttered and say," Sorry I didn't mean that way," He cuts me and says," What's wrong in it? Valentine's is not just for lovers. It's day to celebrate love. We can gift everyone we love. Tell me what you want as gift?" I say," Don't be boring. Gifts are to surprise. So Keep the suspense." He nods okay. I say," It's easy for you to gift you know what I like . I don't know your likes." He says," I like what ever you give me. Don't worry." I say," I will try get you the best." He smiles.

I ask ," What about the girl you love? Are you gonna gift her something? " He says," I didn't give it a thought. what about you?" I say," Of course I will." We come out of park. Then he remembers that he left the car keys inside the car in rush. It's lock now. I laugh seeing him. when he says that he left keys inside the car. He looks at me and asks," How are you going?" I say," I thought you would drop me. I came walking." He says," So let's go walking I will take the car tomorrow."

We start walking. Suddenly heavy rains start. We stand under a tree. We stand so close to each other. I never was this close to him. I can feel the touch of his breath on my cheeks making my heart flutter. Rain takes no name of stopping instead falls more heavy. Gaurav's hand will be on my shoulder. He tries to cover me so that I don't get wet. Soon we will be wet and I start to shiver. He rubs his hand and puts on my cheeks. We stare to each other eyes. I feel warm at my heart with his touch.

As a drop fall rolling over his hair strand on my eyes stare breaks. We move away feeling embarrassed. Gaurav gets a banner and sticks make it into a umbrella. We sit on a bench holding it.


Soon they two fall asleep. Early morning A sweeper woman sees them sleeping on either ones arms. She wakes them. Vinu shouts," Oh my god. We spent all night on road. When did the rain stop?" Gaurav says," Even I didn't know when I fell a sleep?" Vinu says," let's Hurry I need to go before 5:30. If my mom sees me no where in room , she worries." They thank the woman for waking them and they run to Vinu's home. They see her Mom drawing Rangoli Infront of gate.

Gaurav says," Don't be tensed . I have a plan. Come this way." He tells her jump the wall and help her climb the pipe which takes her to her bedroom's balcony. Vinu unrolls her yoga mat and starts meditating. Her mother goes to her room and asks," Why are doing yoga in this jeans?" Vinu looks at herself and says," Just like that. I felt lazy to change dress." Kavitha ( Vinu's mother) shocks seeing the balcony locked from inside. and asks," How come the door is locked from inside?" Vinu panics and says," I think we must change it mom. this happening recently. Sister-in-law came twice and opened it." Kavitha says," I'll let dad know it. He will call workers to change it." Vinu nods yes. Kavitha opens the door and leaves.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08 ⏰

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