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                                            I climb down and call everyone. "Happy Sunday let's have some fun together as everyone are together. What about a badminton match ? It's been a while." I say.

                                            Grandma will be the referee. First match will be between Mom and Aunt. Followed by Dad and Uncle. Later I and Akhil stand on either sides. Akhil serves the shuttle. After few hits Akhil will be leading by me. I lose by one point. Sara, Vibha congratulates him. Aunt says," Wow, Akhil won on Gaurav. Gaurav is hard to beat. Did you lose intentionally Gaurav ?"  I say," No aunt. why will I ? Akhil has improved n his skills. Last flip was awesome. How did you managed it Akhil ? I loved it." Uncle says," Good play Akhil." Akhil says," Thank you bro. Thanks Dad. That flip I learnt from my friend.  But bro even I felt you didn't play well today. You lost many hits which are easy to hit." I say," I didn't focus on them. Even I feel ashamed to lose such easy hits. Any way Next players are our demons let's see Them." Sara and Simran play a match and the one win plays with Vibha.

                                       Later I take a shower and look for Akhil. I saw change of expression on Akhil face listening to aunt words. Akhil will be going out. I call him and ask," Where are you going ?" He replies ," Shopping."  I ask," Even I'm thinking to go." He says," Join me bro. I'm going alone anyway."

                                     We try some clothes. Akhil's birthday will be this week. He's trying some blazor.   He asks," Brother I have a question for you. Can I?" I say," Of course." He asks," Are you in love with someone." I ask," Did grandma ask you to ask?" He says," No. I asked just like that." I reply," No. But why I'm getting a feel that You're in love." He says," You guessed it right. I don't know whether it's love or not. But I feel she's so special to me. Her presence makes me feel warm. She understands me and never compares me. She likes me as I am. I always wanted someone who likes me as I am." He asks," Akhil You're saying she don't compare you with anyone. I have a doubt do you feel bad when your compared to me."

                                        He says," Bro You're my role model. You're my inspiration. But sometimes when Mom and others compare me with you I feel low. I feel jealous. Eventually I disliked to be compared to anyone. I always wanted someone who doesn't compare me. But I never hated you. I like you so much. You are my knight in armor , who guides me the right path." I after hearing to him thank vinu. She understood Akhil well. I say him," Sorry Akhil I never realized it. Being your brother I must have known this. I promise no one compares you here after. You're so special. You have special place in everyone's heart. Never feel low here after. "

                                      He hugs me and says," I know it bro. You don't need to say this. I fear Whether she feels me as I feel to her. She's so lively and pure soul. She treats me as her good friend. I fear of loosing a friend in process of confessing love." I say him," I think you must express your feeling to her. I don't think she rejects my handsome brother. I have an idea. Let's throw a party on your birthday. Invite her and propose her in your style. You won't have guilt of not confessing. If she is meant for you. She'll be yours no matter what. Be brave. I'm there for you always. Come let's choose something great for the special day." We choose an  outfit fits him so perfect.

                                     Later we play some video games in mall. And also play table tennis. We have lunch and go to Marvel movie. We love Marvel series since our childhood.  We have a quality time together. Thanks to Vinu she helped me know my brother better.


                                      Everyone agrees to throw a party on Akhil's birthday. Akhil invites his friends and also Vinu. Akhil and Gaurav prepare everything for the party. On the other side Vinu attends to party with her sister-in-law. They conduct a game " Find your love." Host welcomes everyone and says," I see many faces excited to find your love. We all are in love. Some realizes it quick. And some remains confused. Few fell in love but don't realize that they are in love. Don't worry I have solution to you all. Today, I will ask you few questions. Everyone have put your answer on paper. It's like a rapid fire. You must not think for long , Or else you'll miss the next question. By the end of game I bet you will get the name of the person you love on paper. Conditions apply you must not answer Your dad or brother to any question. Are you ready? " crowd shouts yes. Host starts with his questions.

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