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As I return Delhi. Brother comes to pick me up. He asks me," Where are others?" I say," They are Shopping in airport. Let's go. I miss mom and dad, sister-in-law too.." he asks," What about me ?" I to tease him say," Did you gave me chance to miss called million times. Why will I miss you?" He makes face and drives car silently. I say," Did I ever said you bro that I never miss you cause I'm missing in your love.!" He smiles. I appreciate myself as it worked. Brother says ," You know well how to tease me and also coax." I reply," After all Sister of whom am I?." He rubs my hair saying," Little demon. I missed you lot. Just not make you sad I let you for the tour. To be frank , I didn't wish you go." I say," I knew it from the beginning. Bro I was in India not Pakistan." he says ," I know."

We get home. I run to mom and dad. Brother gets my luggage. Mom asks," First show me How's you hurt?" I hug sister-in-law running to her and say," My heart is hurting now. Look I'm completely good. Stop bothering." Dad says," Yes. Look my girls carrying a princess charm. Show me what you got for me. I'm excited." I open my suitcase and give him sweater and say," I brought this from Manali and also this coffee powder from Ooty. You will love it." Dad says," Then I must taste it quick." I take out the saree and say," Mom this one's for you. And sister-in-law I got similar sarees for us. Isn't cool?" Sister-in-law says," Aww .This so pretty." I show the muffler and says," Even this one too for you. Mom this shawl and gloves for you. I will take you Manali next time. It's really beautiful. The nature and dishes." Mom says," What about your brother? Didn't you get something for him?" I say, "No. Brother said me to come back safe, I don't want anything else." All laughs. He says," Even dad said the same thing but you brought him these many things." I tease him saying," Cause dad says me princess and you call me little demon." Brother makes up face again and sit facing other side. I then say, "You got irritated so easily. Now whom shall I give this woolen cap, wooden article, Dhoti , Watch and Perfume." He looks excited at me and takes them. I say ," Seeing this wooden article of brother and sister I missed you so badly bro." He hugs me and says," I won't agree. I missed you more." Sister-in-law says," Vinu can forget anything but not her brother." I say," I can't forget my complete Family. Group hug." All hug together.

I return to my room and unpack my luggage. I see the pearl necklace I brought for mom and sister-in-law. I go down to show it to mom. I stop by door hearing mom and dad conversation. Mom says," Let me make the Coffee." Dad says," No I will make myself. I can't wait tasting the coffee , my princess brought for me." Mom says," Everyone's life is in her smile. Look how the house shinning after she returned." Dad says," Yes! It was pale and dull in her absence. Smell this. It's really great. She know my taste." Mom says," Let me have some. the smell is tempting." Dad says," Umm! Perfect." as he takes his first sip. Mom says," Aah! Too good." I smile and go to them saying, "Where's mine?" Mom asks," When did you started having coffee. You always say Green tea Nah!" I reply taking my cup," Green tea is nothing before my dad's made coffee. I can't let it go." Dad says," Cheers!" I show mom the pearls necklace. I say all the fun I had in tour sitting in garden to mom and dad.

Later I go to Sister-in-law room to give her necklace. Sister-in-law asks," Vindhan Are you going to stare at the Wooden article whole day." Brother says," Sravya I won't regret even if keep on staring. My sister brought this for me." Sister-in-law says," I feel jealous seeing you and Vinu. I wish I have a brother too." Brother says," I'm blessed one having Vinu as my sister. I don't know what luck I made to have her." Sister-in-law asks," Even she's lucky to have you. In these days which brother loves her sister like this." Brother says," She deserves it. She came as angel into my life. She brought back my lost smile and happiness to our lives." Sister-in-law says," Vindhan I hid it from you. I know That you adopted Vinu when she was 8 years old. " Brother shocks and asks," Talk slowly. How did you came to know this?" Sister-in-law says," Last week helping aunt to finding some documents I ended up seeing Vinu's adoption papers." Brother says," Sorry My intention was not to hide it from you." Sister-in-law says," Don't I'm sorry for making you remember this again." Brother says," Didn't you felt bad knowing we hid this." She replies," No I understand. And it's not something to be remembered and shared."

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